Add the datum surface to the Civil 3D data shortcuts




SPEAKER: Now, with that datum service created in there, I do


want to save this file, and then right click on Data Shortcuts


to create data shortcuts of that datum surface.


Scroll to the top here and make sure I'm in Road Subgrade


and select that.


I'll click OK.


And now, that's added into the data shortcuts.

Video transcript




SPEAKER: Now, with that datum service created in there, I do


want to save this file, and then right click on Data Shortcuts


to create data shortcuts of that datum surface.


Scroll to the top here and make sure I'm in Road Subgrade


and select that.


I'll click OK.


And now, that's added into the data shortcuts.

Try it: Create Road and Grading Quantities in Civil 3D

  1. Open Civil 3D
  2. Open the C:\Civil 3D Projects\Park Bridge Project\From InfraWorks Import .dwg.
  3. Select the corridor. In the context ribbon > Modify Corridor panel select Corridor Surfaces.
  4. In the Corridor Surfaces dialog select the first icon on the left to create a surface.
  5. In the Name area click on the name until you can edit it and name the surface Park Bridge Road Subgrade.
  6. In the Add Data area make sure the Data Type is Link, and the Specify Code is set to Datum. Click the green plus sign to add this data to the surface.
  7. Switch to the Boundaries tab.
  8. Right-click on the name of the surface and choose Corridor Extents as Outer Boundary.
  9. Click OK. Select Rebuild if prompted.
  10. Hit <ESC> to deselect the corridor.
  11. In the Home ribbon > Profile & Section View panel select the Sample Lines tool.
  12. Hit <ENTER> and select Park Bridge Road. Click OK.
  13. Turn off AIW_Existing_Transportation and AIW_Proposed_Ground.
  14. For the Park Bridge Road Park Bridge Road Subgrade select in the Style field. Select Finished Ground and click OK twice.
  15. In the Sample Lines Tools toolbar select the Sample Line Creation Methods drop-down and select By Range of Stations.
  16. Change To Alignment End to False.
  17. In the End Station value field select the green select from screen icon.
  18. Use and Endpoint OSNAP to snap to where the corridor changes to the bridge.
  19. Set both the Left and Right Swath Widths to 75.
  20. Set bot the At Range Start and At Range End to True.
  21. Click OK. Hit <ENTER> to end the sample line placement.
  22. In the Analyze ribbon > Volumes and Materials panel select the Compute Materials tool.
  23. In Select a Sample Line Group click OK.
  24. With the Quantity Takeoff Criteria set to Cut and Fill, assign AIW_Existing_Ground to all EG, and Park Bridge Road Park Bridge Road Subgrade to all Datum. Click OK.
  25. In the Analyze ribbon > Volumes and Materials panel select the Computer Materials again.
  26. In the Select a Sample Line Group click OK.
  27. Click in the name field and change Material List – (1) to Earthwork.
  28. Select the Import Another Criteria button.
  29. In Select a Quantity Takeoff Criteria change to the Material List. Click OK.
  30. Assign the Park Bridge Road Pave1, Base, and SubBase materials respectively. Click OK.
  31. In the new material name field change Material List – (2) to Road Materials. Click OK.
  32. In the Analyze ribbon > Volumes and Materials panel select Material Volume Table.
  33. Change the Select Material List to Road Materials. Change the Select a Material to SubBase.
  34. Click Ok, then zoom and pan to a location south of the project to place the origin of the material table. You will be placing the top right of the array of tables.
  35. In the Analyze ribbon > Volumes and Materials panel select Total Volume Table.
  36. Make sure the Select Material List is set to Earthwork and click OK.
  37. Select a point to the east of the SubBase Material Table to place the Earthwork table origin.
  38. In the Analyze ribbon > Volumes and Materials panel select Volume Report.
  39. Make sure the Select Materials List is set to Earthwork.
  40. Next to Select a Style Sheet select the folder icon.
  41. Select Earthwork.xsl and click Open.
  42. Make sure Display XML Report is turned OFF. Click OK.
  43. You will be prompted that scripts are safe. Select Yes.
  44. Close the Volume Report.
  45. Save From InfraWorks Import.dwg.
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