Setting Up the Correct Levels in Revit

Setting Up the Revit Environment

OK, we could just bring in a bridge and start working on it, but that would a little sloppy! What I’d like to do in this segment is move our survey point to the proper location, set our view range in our site view, and add levels for our piers so we can work a lot easier in our models.

1. Open the model you have been working on.

2. In the Project Browser, scroll down to Structural Plans – Site and open that view.

3. Zoon the extents of the view so it looks like the image below.

4. Select the triangular datum. This is the Survey Point.

5. Click the little paperclip icon to unclip it.

6. Click the Move button.

7. Move it from the point snap on the Survey Point to the point snap on the Project Base Point as shown below (you will have to zoom in on the Project Base Point to get the right spot).


8. Select the Survey Point (hover over it and hit the tab key until it is selected).

9. Change the elevation to 3031'  5 207/256"

10. Click the paperclip to clip the Survey Point.


11. Hit Esc a few times.

12. In the view properties, scroll down until you see View Range, and select the Edit button.

13. Set the View Range to the settings shown below:


14. In the Project Browser, go to the South elevation.

15. In the South Elevation align Level 2 to the bottom of Pier 1 as shown below.

16. Rename it B.O.P_PIER-1 (Bottom of Pier).


17. Select the B.O.P_PIER-1 level.

18. Click Edit Type in the Properties.

19. Change the Elevation Base to Survey Point.

20. All of your elevations will now read the State Plane elevations.


21. Right click on the BOP_PIER-1 level and select Create Similar.

22. Create a level at the top of the Pier and call it T.O.P_PIER-1


23. Repeat creating these levels for the rest of the piers.

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