
25 min.

Getting started with Upchain document management

Module overview

Here, we introduce you to organizing and managing non-CAD documents with Upchain. We’ll work with documents that support and provide additional information for projects and designs, such as PDFs, Word documents, presentations, spreadsheets, images, flowcharts, and executable files. Documents can be managed by almost anyone within your organization as long as they have at least a Participant license.

We’ll begin by discussing the lifecycle of a document, the different statuses a document can have, and what each status means. We’ll then explore how documents can be organized within your tenant using document categories. Finally, we’ll finish off by exploring where you can see the document categories that have been created in projects.

This content takes approximately 25 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:

  • Describe the lifecycle of a document and explain how it is managed in Upchain.
  • Describe the purpose of document categories and specification types.
  • Upload documents to a specific document category of a project.
  • Explain how document numbering rules are applied to a document as it is first uploaded, moved, and cloned (copied).

Module outline

  • Getting started with documents