Getting started with the Office plugins

In this lesson, we’ll demonstrate how to install the Upchain for Office plugins and log in. Once we’re logged in, we’ll explore the plugin user interface and upload a document to a project.

Before you start:

You must be invited to Upchain and have at least a Team license to perform the tasks demonstrated in this lesson. You must also be added to a project to be able to manage documents within that project.

Installing and exploring the Office plugins

In this video, we will:

  • Install and log into the Office plugins
  • Explore the user interface

Key takeaways

  1. Installing Upchain for Office installs a plugin for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint at the same time.
  2. When a project is selected, each tab of the plugin displays information relevant to that particular project.

Exploring the Documents tab

In this video, we will:

  • Upload a document to a project
  • Explore the Documents section of the plugin
  • Download a document from a project

Key takeaways

  1. The Documents tab displays all document categories and the documents contained within them for the selected project.
  2. Documents displayed in the Documents tab are color-coded based on whether the document is compatible with the open program or not.
  3. Uploading a document into Upchain assigns it a new file name. Always download the document from Upchain before starting to work on it to ensure it is the latest version.
  4. Documents are always downloaded to C:\Users\<computer name>\Documents\Upchain\<upchain username>\DMS\<project name>\<document category name>\ when using the Office plugins.
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