Copy A Project (6:05 min)

Project: Copy a Project




Completion Time:  10 minutes



        Completion of the Managing Projects Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you copy the existing project and drawings, creating a new project and copies of the selected drawings.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Project_Basics_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open but not active in the Project Manager:

> Right-click Project_Basics_NFPA.

> Click Activate.

> Skip to step 5.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the project exercise files. Select Project_Basics_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  In the Project Manager, click the expansion node next to Project_Basics_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  On the Quick Access toolbar, click New.



7:  In the Select Template dialog box, select acad.dwt as the template. Click Open.
Note: This step is only to ensure that your active drawing is not included in the project to be copied.


8:  On the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Copy.



9:  In the Copy Project: Step 1 dialog box, click Copy Active Project. Click OK.



10:  In the Copy Project: Step 2 dialog box:

> Create a new folder named COPY PROJECT

Open the new folder.

> For File Name, type COPY PROJECT

Click Save.



11:  In the Select Drawings to Process dialog box, click Do All. Click OK.


12:  In the Copy Project: Step 4 dialog box, notice that all available project-related files are also selected for copying.



13:  Click OK to accept the same directory path for the new project drawings that is used for the current project drawings.


14:  In the Copy Project: Step 5 dialog box, notice that the original named drawings are listed.


15:  Click Find/Replace.


16:  In the Find/Replace dialog box, for Find, type Project_Basics_NFPA

Note: Be sure to type the underscore character "_"; otherwise, the folder location name changes.



17:  For Replace, type CopyProject_Basics_NFPA


18:  Click OK. The original files are renamed as shown.


19:  In the Copy Project: Step 5 dialog box, click OK.

AutoCAD Electrical activates the copied project and opens the first drawing for editing.


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