Add Point To Point Wiring (5:34 min)

Project: Add Point-to-Point Wiring




Completion Time:  15 Minutes



        Point to Point Wiring


Objective:  In this exercise, you add point-to-point style wiring to your drawing. You complete the following steps:

        Add individual wires and change the wire placements with the Scoot command.

        Add a splice and an additional wire connection.

        Use the Multiple Wire Bus command to add wires to individual terminals and a connector.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.


2:  If Schematic_Wiring_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open but not active in the Project Manager, do the following:
> Right-click Schematic_Wiring_NFPA.
> Click Activate.
> Skip to step 5.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files. Select Schematic_Wiring_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Schematic_Wiring_NFPA to expand the drawing list in the manager.


6:  Right-click Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_07.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to rungs 731-738.


8:  Add four wires between the connectors and terminals. As you are inserting the wires, notice the X's on wire connection points, and how the wire path is automatically changed to avoid collisions with existing wires.

On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Wire.

Do the following:
  For the wire start, select the right side of terminal 735.
  For the wire end, select PJ738, pin 1.
  For the wire start, select the right side of terminal 737.
  For the wire end, select PJ733, pin 2.
  For the wire start, select the right side of terminal 734.
  For the wire end, select PJ738, pin 2.
  For the wire start, select the right side of terminal 736.
  For the wire end, select PJ733, pin 1.


9:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, click Scoot.



10:  Select the leftmost vertical new wire and evenly space it to the left.



11:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, click Scoot.


12:  Select the lower horizontal wire running from terminal 734 to PJ738-2 and evenly space it below rung 737.



13:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Icon Menu.


14:  In the Insert Component dialog box, NFPA: Schematic Symbols preview window, click Miscellaneous.


15:  In the NFPA: Miscellaneous preview window, click Splice Symbols.



16:  Click Splice.


17:  For the insertion point, select the uppermost horizontal wire.


18:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.


19:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Wire.



20:  For the wire start point, on the splice, select the left wire connection.


21:  For the wire endpoint, on the PLC, select output terminal 11. Press ENTER.



22:  Add multiple wires using one command:

> Zoom in to rungs 708-719.


23:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Multiple Bus.


24:  In the Multiple Wire Bus dialog box, do the following:

> For Horizontal Spacing, type "0.75".
> For Vertical Spacing, type "0.5".

> Click Component (Multiple Wires).
> Click OK.



25:  For the starting wire connection points, window-select around the left wire connections on terminals 712-718.



26:  If you are successful, then only the left wire connections of the terminals will be red. Press ENTER to complete the selection.

Note: If you pan or zoom then the temporary red and green wire connection marks will disappear.


27:  Drag your cursor to the left and up until all wires are shown with the corner.



28:  Type C and press ENTER.



29:  Select individual wire-connection points:
Working from the bottom up, select in order, the right-hand wire connection points on terminals 717716, and 715.



30:  For the next wire connection point, on connector PJ704, select the lowest wire connection point at pin 10.

Notice how the wire spacing changed to match the pin spacing of the connector.
This completes the exercise.

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