Using The PLC Database File Editor (3:33 min)


Completion of Using the PLC Database File Editor Lesson

Objective:  In this project, you add a new drawing to your project and insert a ladder. After creating a PLC module with the PLC Database File Editor, you insert the new module in the ladder.

Process:  Process to Create a Drawing and Insert a Ladder


1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.

2:  If PLC_Modules_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 6. If it is open but not active, in the Project Manager, do the following:
■ Right-click PLC_Modules_NFPA.
■ Click Activate.
■ Skip to step 6.

3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.

4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files. Select PLC_Modules_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.

5:  From the Projects list, double-click PLC_Modules_NFPA to expand the drawing list.

6:  Click New Drawing.

7:  In the Create New Drawing dialog box, do the following:
■ For Name, type PLC_Module_NFPA_11
■ For Template, click Browse and select ACAD_ELECTRICAL.dwt.
■ Click Open.
■ Click OK. 

8:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, Insert Ladder flyout, click Insert Ladder.

9:  In the Insert Ladder dialog box, do the following:
■ For Width, type 9.0
■ For Spacing, type 1.0
■ For Rungs, type 20
■ Click OK.

10:  In the drawing, for the start position, type 3.0,20.5. Press ENTER.

11:  Define a New Module:
On the Schematic tab, Other Tools expansion panel, PLC Database File Editor flyout, click PLC Database File Editor.

12:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, click New Module.

13:  In the New Module dialog box, do the following:
■ For Manufacturer, type ACME
■ For Series, type DI001
■ For Series Type, type DISCRETE INPUT
■ For Code, type 123-456-7A
■ For Description, type 8-POINT INPUT
■ For Module Type, type DI

14:  Continuing in the New Module dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Base Addressing list, select Prompt.
■ For Rating, type 120VAC
■ For Terminals, type 11
■ For Addressable Points, type 8
■ Click Module Prompts.

15:  In the Prompts at Module Insertion Time dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Prompt Number list, select %%1.
■ For New Prompt Text, type RACK NUMBER
■ Click Change.
■ From the Prompt Number list, select %%2.
■ For New Prompt Text, type SLOT NUMBER
■ Click Change.
■ Click OK.

16:  In the New Module dialog box, click OK.

17:  Specify a Terminal List:

In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, in the Terminal Type column, right-click the Row 1 cell. Click Edit Terminal.

18:  In the Select Terminal Information dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Category list, select Top Input.
■ Under Types for Category Top Input, select Module Info Input I/O Point Wire Left (first column).
■ Click OK.

19:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, do the following:
■ Under Show, select When Excluding Unused from the list.
■ Under Optional Re-prompt, select No from the list.
■ Clear the Break After check box.

20:  In the Terminal Type column, right-click the Row 2 cell. Click Edit Terminal.

21:  In the Select Terminal Information dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Category list, select Top Terminal.
■ Under Types for Category Top Input, select Module Info Terminal Point Wire Left (first row, first column).
■ Click OK.

22:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, do the following:
■ Under Show, select When Including Unused from the list.
■ Under Optional Re-prompt, select No from the list.
■ Clear the Break After check box.

23:  In the Terminal Type column, right-click the Row 3 cell. Click Edit Terminal.

24:  In the Select Terminal Information dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Category list, select Input.
■ Under Types for Category Input, select Input I/O Point Wire Left (first row, first column).
■ Click OK.

25:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, do the following:
■ Under Show, select When Including Unused from the list.
■ Under Optional Re-prompt, select No from the list.
■ Clear the Break After check box.

26:  In the Terminal Type column, click the Row 4 cell. Drag to select all cells up to Row 10.

27:  Right-click in any highlighted cell. Click Edit Terminal.

28:  In the Select Terminal Information dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Category list, select Input.
■ Under Types for Category Input, select Input I/O Point Wire Left (first row, first column).
■ Click OK.

29:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, do the following:
■ Under Show, select Always from the list.
■ Under Optional Re-prompt, select No from the list.
■ Clear the Break After check box.

30:  In the Terminal Type column, right-click the Row 11 cell. Click Edit Terminal.

31:  In the Select Terminal Information dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Category list, select Terminal.
■ Under Types for Category Top Input, select Terminal Point Wire Right (first row, first column).
■ Click OK.

32:  In the PLC Database File Editor dialog box, on the terminal grid, do the following:
■ Under Show, select Always from the list.
■ Under Optional Re-prompt, select No from the list.
■ Clear the Break After check box.

33:  Click Save Module. Click Done.

34:  Insert a New PLC Module:
On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, Insert PLC (Parametric) flyout, click Insert PLC (Parametric).

35:  In the PLC Parametric Selection dialog box, select ACME 123-456-7A from the list. Click OK.

36:  In the drawing, on the right side of rung 742, select an insertion point.

37:  In the Module Layout dialog box, click Insert All. Click OK.

38:  In the I/O Point dialog box, do the following:
■ For Rack Number, type 1
■ For Slot Number, type 2
■ Click OK.

39:  In the I/O Address dialog box, for Beginning Address, select I:12/00. Click OK.

 The module you defined is inserted in the drawing.

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