Add Source And Destination Signal Arrows (5:28 min)

Project: Add Source and Destination Signal Arrows




Completion Time:  15 Minutes



        Completion of the Source and Destination Signals Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you create source and destination signals in your schematic. You will:

        Review the cross references on an existing source signal.

        Add a contact and wiring for a motor starter contact.

        Add a destination signal arrow to a wire on one side of the motor contact coming from a power source on a second drawing.

        Add a source arrow to the wire on the other side of the motor contact, sending the power to a third drawing.

      Complete the source/destination network, adding a light component and a destination signal arrow coming from the motor contact source signal you created.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Schematic_Wiring_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open, but not active in the Project Manager, do the following:

·        Right-click Schematic_Wiring_NFPA.

·        Click Activate.

·        Skip to step 5.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files. Select Schematic_Wiring_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  In the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Schematic_Wiring_NFPA to expand the drawing list in the manager.


6:  Right-click Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_03.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to rungs 343-345 of the second ladder.


8:  Notice that the source signal arrow on rung 344 is sending signals to rungs 209 and 213.



9:  On the Quick Access toolbar, click Previous Drawing.

The Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_02.dwg drawing opens.


10:  Zoom in to rungs 211-217 of the first ladder to create a source destination circuit identical to the one on rung 213.



11:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Icon Menu.



12:  In the Insert Component dialog box, click Motor Control.


13:  Click 2nd+ Starter Contact NO.



14:  Click to select the insertion point for the contact on rung 217 directly below the M427 contractor with overload. (The contact is placed in space, that is, not on an existing rung.)


15:  In the Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box, click Parent/Sibling.


16:  In the drawing, select the M427 contact component as the sibling.


17:  In the Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box, click OK.



18:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Link Components with Dashed Line.



19:  Select the M427 contact on rung 215 for the component to link from.


20:  Select the M427 contact you inserted on rung 217 as the component to link to. Press ENTER.



21:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Wire to insert a new wire.  


22:  On the Command Line, Click wireType, then select RED_18AWG.


23:  Draw the wire starting on one side of the contact completely across the contact to the other side.
Note: Be careful to draw a straight wire without any turns.


24:  Notice that the wire is automatically connected to both sides of the contact. Press ENTER to end the wire. Press ENTER again to end the Wire command.




25:  Add a Destination Signal Arrow:
On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, Source Arrow flyout, click Destination Signal Arrow.



26:  In the drawing, click near the left end of the added wire.


27:  In the Insert Destination Code dialog box, click Project.


28:  In the Signal Codes - Project-wide Source dialog box, select Signal Code MOTORS CONNECTEDReference 344. Click OK.

Notice that the signal code information is transferred to the Insert Destination Code dialog box.


29:  In the Insert Destination Code dialog box, click OK + Update Source.


30:  Add a Source Signal Arrow:
On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, Source Arrow flyout, click Source Arrow.



31:  In the drawing, click near the right end of the added wire.


32:  In the Signal - Source Code dialog box, for Code, type M427 AUX CONTACT then click OK.



33:  In the Source/Destination Signal Arrows dialog box, click No.

Notice that the matching destination is placed in Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_04.dwg and cannot be selected at this time.



34:  On the Quick Access toolbar, click Next Drawing.

The Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_03.dwg drawing opens.


35:  Zoom in to rungs 343-345 of the second ladder. On rung 344, notice a reference to rung 217 is added.



36:  Complete the Network:
On the Quick Access toolbar, click Next Drawing.

The Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_04.dwg drawing opens.


37:  Zoom in to rungs 402-406 on first ladder.



38:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Wire.



39:  Draw the wire starting on the right vertical bus at rung 405 and ending about one quarter of the way across the ladder.
Note: Be careful to draw a straight wire without any turns.





40:  Press ENTER to end the wire. Press ENTER, again, to end the Wire command.


41:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, click Copy Component.



42:  Select LT404, located just above the added wire.


43:  Insert the new light on the added wire directly below LT404.



44:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, for Description Line1, type "INDEXING MOTOR


45:  For Description Line2, type "RUNNING" and click OK.

Note: If you receive a Mismatched Item Number warning, click OK.


46:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, Source Arrow flyout, click Destination Arrow.



47:  Click near the left end of the added wire on rung 405.


48:  In the Insert Destination Code dialog box, click Recent.


49:  In the Signal Source/Destination Codes - Recent dialog box, select M427 AUX CONTACT.

Click OK.



50:  In the Insert Destination Code dialog box, click OK + Update Source.


51:  In the Change Destination Wire Layer dialog box, click Yes.


Challenge Task:  Add wire numbers to Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_02.dwg then to Schematic_Wiring_NFPA_04.dwg. The wire number is transferred through the signal arrows and replaces the question marks. Note: You could also add wire numbers Project-Wide.

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