Guided Exercise - Objectives & Manufacturing


Ability to specify optimization goals and limits for the design process.

Nothing will be changed for this exercise but to outline the details of this menu

  1. Maximize Stiffness: Maximizes the stiffness of the design based on the applied structural constraints and loads. The mass is decreased by removing elements in the areas that have the smallest impact on the stiffness of the model. In other words, the optimum stiffness to mass ratio is achieved, allowing the design to be as light weight as possible for the application
  2. Mass Target: Required if Maximize Stiffness is selected; the mass target ensures that your design reaches the desired mass
  3. Minimize Mass:Minimizes the mass so that your design has the lowest possible mass and can carry the applied loads.

*We will not be making any changes here. Click OK to close the dialog




Ability to specify manufacturing methods and constraints for the design process.


  1. Production Volume: Enter the typical number of pieces to manufacture per year (Default 2500). The cost estimation solution uses this number to determine monthly batch sizes and resulting production cost.
    Unrestricted: Generates outcomes that do not rely on a manufacturing constraint. 
    Additive Manufacturing: Manufacturing constraint that generates outcomes based on 3 print directions of +X, +Y and +Z.
    Overhang Angle: The overhang angle refers to the angle from vertical that the overhang sticks out. It depends on the material, machine, and process settings
    Minimum Thickness: The minimum thickness of structural components depends on the material, machine and process settings. If you specify the minimum thickness, the application creates outcomes with elements whose thickness exceeds this value.
  2. Milling: Generates outcomes which can be subtractively manufactured using 3-axis or 5-axis operations
    Drop down menu to select between 2.5-axis, 3-axis and 5-axis
    + to add an additional Milling constraints
    For 2.5-axis a single Tool Direction can be selected
    For 3-axis specific orientations can be selected, Checking Include all six orientations will select all
    For all Milling a Tool Diameter must be specified
    For 3-axis and 5-axis Tool Length must also be specified 
    2-axis Cutting: Generates outcomes which can be manufactured using 2-axis cutting operations
    *Note: In Preferences dialog, you can select other manufacturing methods that are still in a conceptual stage such as Die Casting



Add Manufacturing Constraints to the Study:

1. In Manufacturing dialog, check for
Die Casting (if you enabled this at the beginning)

2. Under Milling set Configuration 1 to 5-axis

3. Click the + to add a new Milling constraint
Change the new Milling constraint to 3-axis
Check the box to Include all six directions

4. Click the + to add a new Milling constraint
Change the new Milling constraint to 3-axis
Check the box to Include all six directions
Change the Tool Diameter from 10mm to 5mm

5.Click the + to add a new Milling constraint
Change the new Milling constraint to 3-axis
Enable X+, X- and Y+ as Tool Directions

6. Once selected click OK
*Dialog should look look similar to the one displayed here

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