Try it: Assigning and Reporting Clashes to Others for Modification
Once you have worked through the clashes in a test you want to parcel out the information to the individuals who have control of the drawing or model so they can make the updates. First you will assign the clashes and then you will create an html report that can be sent to the appropriate firm.
- In Navisworks Manage , open the Navisworks File Set SMALL_HOSPITAL_COMBINED-Assign.nwf.
- Open the Clash Detective.
- Select the clash group 001 Sanitary vs. Beam. Click on the Assign button.
- In the Assign Clash dialog, assign the clash to Plumbing. Type in notes – Sanitary line touches and runs through beams. Click OK.
- Assign the 002 Pipes and Beams clash to Plumbing and add a note.
- In the Status column, change the Status for the two groups to Active.
- In the Clash Detective, click on the Report tab.
- Read through the list of items you can include in the contents.
- In the Include Clashes panel, expand the For Clash Groups, include drop-down and select Group Headers Only.
- In the Include these statuses list select only Active.
- In the Output Settings panel, set the Report Format to HTML and click Write Report.
- IN the Save As dialog accept the default file name and click Save.
- Open the clash report in your browser and review the report.
- Once you reviewed the report, you can return to Navisworks and continue running clash tests.
Use this for Advanced Tools with Clash Detective
Video 3 – Using Selection and Search Sets in a clash test
Selection and search sets are helpful for creating a group of objects and using them to perform clash detection tests and to clean up views while reviewing clashes.
In this exercise, we will learn how to create selection and search sets and use them in Clash Detective.
Selection sets are a static group of items and do not update when the model changes. Search sets are based on criteria rather than specific items. The search updates when the model changes.
- In the View Cube, click on the SW Isometric view. Zoom in on the middle part of the building.
- First, let’s create a selection set. In the Home tab Select & Search panel, expand Sets and select Manage Sets. This opens the Sets window.
- In the Scene View, select one of the square light fixtures. In the Home tab> Select & Search panel, expand Select Same and click Same Name. All the light fixtures of that name are selected.
- In the Sets window click Save Selection.
- Name the new selection set Troffer Lights.
If another lighting fixture is added to the model and updated in Navisworks, it will not be included in this selection set. In this case you need to create a Search Set.
- In the Home tab Select & Search panel, click Find Items. In the Find Items dialog, in the left pane you can specify the level of search you want to do. First, choose from Standard – the default tree hierarchy, Compact, a simplified version of the tree – essentially just the appended files, Properties – a list of the properties in the models, and Sets. If no sets are created this file, they will not display. Set the Search in to Standard and select 56750_M_Systems.nwc.
- In the right pane click below Category and you will be able to select from Item and the properties from the files. Select Item.
- In the Property column, select Type.
- In the Condition column, select =
- In the Value column, select Lighting Fixtures.
- Click Find All and move the dialog away so you can see the scene view with all the lighting fixtures selected.
- In the Sets window, click Save Search and type in the name Lighting Fixtures.
- Click between the Selection Set and the Search set to see the difference. The other difference can’t be seen. If lights are added only the Search Set will update.
- Let's create two more search sets, one for plumbing piping and the other for structural framing.
- In the Find Items dialog set up the following information:
Search in: 56750_M_Systems.nwc
Category: Item
Property: Type
Condition: Contains
Value: Pipe Fittings
- Click below the first line under Category and set the following:
Category: Item
Property: Type
Condition: Contains
Value: Pipes: Pipe Types: Copper Tubing
- Right-click on the second row Category and select Or Condition. A plus mark will be placed beside the row. By default the rules are AND conditions where all rules need to be applied. We need an OR condition to have the program find the items from several categories.
- Create one more line with an OR condition:
Category: Item
Property: Type
Condition: Contains
Value: Pipes: Pipe Types: PVC - DWV Tubing
- Click Find All.
- In the Sets window click Save Search and name it Plumbing Piping.
- In the Find Items dialog, right-click on the Category and select Delete all conditions. Create a new search.
Search in: 56750_S.nwc
Category: Item
Property: Type
Condition: =
Value: Structural Framing
- Click Find All.
- In the Sets window click Save Search and name it Structural Framing.
- Close the Find Items dialog.
- Click out in space to release any selections.
- Now let’s see how these sets help us in Clash Detective. In the Home tab > Tools panel, click Clash Detective.
- In the Clash Detective dialog, click Add Test.
- In the Select tab, in Selection A, expand Standard and select Sets.
- In the Sets list select Structural Framing.
- In Selection B, expand Standard and select Sets.
- In the Sets list select Lighting Fixtures.
- Click Run Test.
- You will see a long list of clashes. If you work through them you can see that they are all in one area of the building. Create a group named Troffer Clashes and drag all the clashes into this group. You can now see where they all are. This is an area where the lighting designer and the structural designer did not agree on what is happening.
Because this clash test was built on Search Sets. When an update is made to the original model you can run the clash again to see if they have added new elements.