Start a 2D AutoCAD workflow

Introduction to the Factory Design Utilities and the available workflows

Utilize the Factory Utilities in AutoCAD

  1. Open the practice file, Production C-Start.

    The practice file

  2. Insert the external reference, Factory Footprint.dwg. Place the footprint drawing at 0,0.

    Inserting the external reference

  3. Explore the utilities available on the Factory Tab.
  4. Activate the Asset Browser and the Factory Properties palette located under the Palettes dropdown. Arrange the palettes to your liking.

    Arranging the palettes

  5. Explore the available assets contained in the Asset Browser.
  6. Use the Search bar to locate the Bag Feeder (Search Bag) and the Case Packer (Search Case).
  7. Add the Bag Feeder and the Case Packer assets to the end of the polyline as shown below.

    Adding the assets

  8. Use the Search Bar to locate Roller Conveyor Chain.

    Using the Search Bar

  9. Drag this chain asset into the drawing window, right-click and select the polyline option. Then select the two blue polylines that represent the conveyor runs.

    Dragging the chain asset into the drawing window

  10. Use the Convert Asset Chain command then select the two conveyor runs created in the previous step.

    Using the Convert Asset Chain command

  11. In the Asset Browser, navigate to the System Assets / Conveyor / Roller category. Then place the straight and curved conveyors as shown above.  Use the green connector dots to snap the assets together.

    Using the green connector dots

  12. Select the vertical conveyor. In the Factory Properties palette, change the parameter for Length to 400mm. Click Enter or the click the update asset button on the Factory Properties Palette.

    Selecting the vertical conveyor

  13. Delete the middle horizontal conveyor. Use the Connect utility and select the two connectors that will join the remaining horizontal conveyor to the curved conveyor. 
  14. Use the Asset Browser and the Search Bar to add a Work Bench as shown. Place the new asset on the Manual Workstations layer.

    Using the Asset Browser and Search Bar

  15. Use the Asset Browser to add a worker in a Standing position beside the work bench.
  16. Use Copy / Paste to add a copy of the worker and the lift truck as shown above. Place the assets on the appropriate layer as needed.

    Placing the assets on the appropriate layer

  17. Locate the Case Sealer asset and place it centered on the horizontal conveyor as shown. Use the Move command and select the center of the asset as the base point. Then place it centered on top of the horizontal conveyor.

    Locating the Case Sealer asset

  18. Optional step – Activate Paperspace and set up a viewport centering the entire building on the sheet. You can easily integrate the Factory Design Utilities into your current 2D AutoCAD workflows.

    Activating Paperspace

  19. Optional step (recommended) – Use the Open in Inventor utility to transfer your 2D layout to a 3D Inventor layout. Save your 2D drawing when prompted.

    Transferring your 2D layout to a 3D Inventor layout

  20. End of exercise.
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