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PDM Collection includes:
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After the necessary data, such as cross-section lines and the river reach center line are imported into InfoWorks ICM,
you can take the next step to turn the survey data into physical assets in the network.
To complete this exercise, copy the network out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial or carry on from the previous exercise.
From the Database, double-click the 1D River Model to open it on the GeoPlan.
Validate the network.
Note that there are currently six error codes.
Three of these are related to connectivity and the other three are due to the river reach river sections having no data specified.
Bring up the river reach object properties window for the middle river reach by double clicking it.
Hover over the red validation error and note that this matches the validation message – the section data is currently blank.
In the Selection toolbar, click Select all objects to select all the cross-sectional survey lines and river center line.
From the Model menu, select River reach > Build sections from lines.
This associates the cross-section data to all those that intersect the river reach line.
This builds a representation of the river reach in InfoWorks ICM based on the imported survey lines.
Look in the Properties window again.
You can see that there is now data under River sections.
Click the ellipsis (…) button to preview the data for sections 17 and 18.
The validation error for River sections is still there, but it has changed, because the section roughness values are missing from the data.
Each cross section needs to have a roughness value assigned.
This data was not in the imported survey data, but you can update the river reach with roughness data using an SQL.
Close the data window.
From the Database, right-click the model group and select New InfoWorks > Stored Query.
Add the name “Setting Roughness”, and then click OK.
Double-click Setting Roughness to open the SQL window.
On the SQL tab, set the Object Type to River reach and the Field Type to Sections.
In the query box, enter this query to set the roughness to 0.05 for all values:
Click Test to validate your query.
If it is valid, click Save, and then Run to run the query.
Switch back to the Properties tab.
Here, you can see that the validation errors are gone.
To verify that the roughness data was indeed added, open the data window again for River sections.
Here, you can see that the Roughness column is now populated for all survey points.
Note that the SQL directly populated the river reach link data.
It would also be possible to populate the cross section line data
but this would have to be done prior to building the river reach section data.
Validate the network again and only the three connectivity errors should remain.
Video transcript
After the necessary data, such as cross-section lines and the river reach center line are imported into InfoWorks ICM,
you can take the next step to turn the survey data into physical assets in the network.
To complete this exercise, copy the network out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial or carry on from the previous exercise.
From the Database, double-click the 1D River Model to open it on the GeoPlan.
Validate the network.
Note that there are currently six error codes.
Three of these are related to connectivity and the other three are due to the river reach river sections having no data specified.
Bring up the river reach object properties window for the middle river reach by double clicking it.
Hover over the red validation error and note that this matches the validation message – the section data is currently blank.
In the Selection toolbar, click Select all objects to select all the cross-sectional survey lines and river center line.
From the Model menu, select River reach > Build sections from lines.
This associates the cross-section data to all those that intersect the river reach line.
This builds a representation of the river reach in InfoWorks ICM based on the imported survey lines.
Look in the Properties window again.
You can see that there is now data under River sections.
Click the ellipsis (…) button to preview the data for sections 17 and 18.
The validation error for River sections is still there, but it has changed, because the section roughness values are missing from the data.
Each cross section needs to have a roughness value assigned.
This data was not in the imported survey data, but you can update the river reach with roughness data using an SQL.
Close the data window.
From the Database, right-click the model group and select New InfoWorks > Stored Query.
Add the name “Setting Roughness”, and then click OK.
Double-click Setting Roughness to open the SQL window.
On the SQL tab, set the Object Type to River reach and the Field Type to Sections.
In the query box, enter this query to set the roughness to 0.05 for all values:
Click Test to validate your query.
If it is valid, click Save, and then Run to run the query.
Switch back to the Properties tab.
Here, you can see that the validation errors are gone.
To verify that the roughness data was indeed added, open the data window again for River sections.
Here, you can see that the Roughness column is now populated for all survey points.
Note that the SQL directly populated the river reach link data.
It would also be possible to populate the cross section line data
but this would have to be done prior to building the river reach section data.
Validate the network again and only the three connectivity errors should remain.
After the necessary data, such as cross-section lines and the river reach center line, are imported into InfoWorks ICM, the survey data can be turned into physical assets in the network. To complete this exercise, copy the network out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial or carry on from the previous exercise.
Note that there are currently six error codes. Three are related to connectivity and the other three are due to the river reach river sections having no data specified.
Note that this matches the validation message – the section data is currently blank.
This associates the cross-section data to all those that intersect the river reach line and builds a representation of the river reach based on the imported survey lines.
In the Properties window, there is now data for River sections.
The validation error for River sections is still there, but it has changed, because the section roughness values are missing from the data. Each cross section needs to have a roughness value assigned. This data was not in the imported survey data, but the river reach can be updated with roughness data using an SQL.
To create the SQL:
To verify that the roughness data was added:
In the River sections data window, the Roughness column is now populated for all survey points.
Note that the SQL directly populated the river reach link data. It would also be possible to populate the cross section line data, but this would have to be done prior to building the river reach section data.
Only the three connectivity errors should remain.
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