Changing the units that InfoWorks ICM displays

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Which type of measurement units are used for data storage in ICM, and cannot be changed?

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Step-by-step guide

Measurement units used on ICM displays can be changed, including those on Grid windows and property sheets.

To view and change measurement units:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options.

In the Options dialog box, the Units tab lists the items for which data is held in the database. For each item, the native units and display units are shown.

  • The Native Units are the units used for storing the data. These units cannot be changed.
  • The Display Units are the units used for all display and data-entry purposes.

In the ICM Options dialog box, Units tab, a table of database items and their respective native and display units.

  1. To change the default display units, under Set Default Units, select one of the following:
  • Metric (Native): Sets the display to all native units.
  • MGD: Sets the display to imperial units with flows, change in flow, and volume units based on Mega Gallons per Day. This option is mainly used in the US for sanitary and combined sewer modelling.
  • Cubic Feet: Sets the display to imperial units with flows, change in flow, and volume units based on cubic feet. This option is mainly used in the US for storm water and water modelling.
  1. Click OK to start using the new units.

To change the display units:

  1. For each field, select an option from the drop-down list.

The Options dialog box, Units tab, with the Display Units drop-down list for Flow expanded.

This can be useful for different model types. For example, sewer modelling may use litres per second, while river modelling may use cubic metres per second.

  1. If any changes are made to the display units, click OK to save the changes.

IMPORTANT: Any values entered in the grids or property sheets are displayed in the Display Units but are converted to the corresponding Native Units for storage in the database.

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