Introduction to Sustainability Analysis in InfoWorks WS Pro

Step-by-step guide

The sustainability analysis functionality in InfoWorks WS Pro allows energy losses in the network to be calculated as a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Energy loss can happen due to friction and minor losses in pipes, losses at control valves, and losses at customer taps. For pumping stations, a carbon dioxide equivalent of pump energy usage is also calculated. The results of the analysis can be used to review and manage energy losses through the network.

A presentation slide listing the causes of energy loss, including friction losses in pipes, losses at control valves, and losses at customer taps.

The simulation outputs the following results:

A presentation slide listing the simulation outputs, including daily rates of energy loss from pipes, valves, and nodes, which can also be expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.

IMPORTANT: In order to carry out sustainability calculations, CO2 conversion factors need to be defined. Different conversion factor regimes can be set up for use in calculating network losses, or for use with different pumping stations.

To run a sustainability analysis, set up the appropriate CO2 configuration for the model:

  1. From the Model Group window, expand the Sustainability node.
  2. Right-click the Sustainability model group and select New > Energy CO2 Factors Group.

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface, with no model open and the Sustainability > New > Energy CO2 Factors group being selected from the Model Group.

  1. In the New Name popup, accept the default name and click OK.
  2. Right-click Energy CO2 Factors Group and select New > Energy CO2 Factors.
  3. In the New Name popup, accept the default name and click OK.

The corner of the WS Pro interface, with a highlight around the Energy CO2 Factors Group in the Model Group to indicate it was right-clicked, and the New Name – Energy CO2 Factors popup being populated.

To configure the energy factors:

  1. Double-click Energy CO2 Factors.
  2. In the Energy CO2 Factors dialog box, type a name for the Heading. For this example, enter “Sustainability”.
  3. Click Add CO2 Factor Regime.
  4. In the Add new Energy CO2Regime pop-up, add a new regime name. For this example, type, “CO2 Regime”.
  5. Click OK.

The Add new Energy CO2 Regime popup, populated with the new name “CO2 Regime,” and the Energy CO2 Factors dialog box open in the background, with the Add CO2 Factors Regime button still highlighted after selection.

The new regime appears under the Energy CO2 Factor drop-down.

On the right side of the Energy CO2 Factors dialog box, enter the following Time and Factors:

  1. 1 kg/kWh at 00:00 midnight.
  2. 2 kg/kWh at 12:00 noon.
  3. 2.5 kg/kWh at 16:00.
  4. 1.5 kg/kWh at 20:00.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Close the Energy CO2 Factors dialog box.

The Energy CO2 Factors dialog box, populated with the energy factors for this exercise in a table, with the Time column on the left and the Factors listed on the right.

To run the sustainability simulation:

  1. Right-click Sustainability and select New > Run Group.
  2. Right-click the Run Group, then select New > Run.
  3. In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, type “Sustainability” as the name for the run.
  4. Enable Experimental.
  5. Expand the Run Type drop-down and select Normal.
  6. Enable Sustainability (CO2).
  7. From the Model Group, drag the new Energy CO2 Factors object and drop it into the Energy CO2 Factors box in the Sustainability (CO2) Options popup.
  8. Expand the default CO2 Factor Regime drop-down and select CO2 Regime.
  9. From the Model Group, drag the Sustainability network and drop it into the Network box in the dialog box to populate the Network, Control, and Demand Diagram boxes.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Run.

The Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, alongside the Sustainability (CO2) Options dialog box, which is highlighted red and pointing to the Sustainability (CO2) Run Type, to indicate it was opened when the run type was selected.

To view the results:

  1. Double-click the Sustainability Control simulation.
  2. Expand the Results menu and select Grid Reports > Flow, system and global summary results.

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface, with the simulation results open in the GeoPlan and the Results menu expanded with Grid Reports > Flow, system and global summary results being selected.

  1. The Grid Report Window opens. If the Sustainability Control simulation has not auto-populated in the Sim box, drag and drop it from the Model Group.
  2. In the Report Type group box, select Sustainability (CO2) Simulation Summary.
  3. Click Produce Grid.

The Grid Report dialog box, with Sustainability Control dropped into the Sim box, the Sustainability (CO2) Simulation Summary option active, Show Full Path in Column Header selected, and 20 entered for the Minimum service level (m).

  1. In the Sustainability Summary grid report, review the various CO2 output and statistics from across the simulation.

The Grid Report – Sustainability (CO2) Summary grid with results, displayed in front of the GeoPlan.