Step-by-step Guide
In InfoWorks WS Pro, a demand area analysis provides data that allows users to review the current demand for water and project future potential demand areas.
To specify Minimum Night Flow parameters and view a summary of the Demand Analysis:
- Open the Demand Area Grid.
- Right-click Demand Area 35 and select Properties.
- In the properties dialog box, open the Calculation tab.
- Configure the NFM, or Night Flow Minimum, time, with a default of 0 minutes, or configure the NFM End Time, with a default of 5 minutes.
- The Measurement Period is the time interval over which the Minimum Night Flow will be calculated. The default is 60 minutes.
- From the Multiplier field, a sampling duration correction factor allows for changes to the minimum night flow measurement period. The default value is 1.
- The Minimum Night Flow Time displays the time at which minimum night flow occurs.
- The Night Use field displays the allowance for the unprofiled demand used in the leakage calculations.
- Review several other data points from the table:
- Measurement Period Start and End Times for Minimum Night Flow
- Adjusted Average Minimum Night Flow for the measurement period
- Count of Allocated Unprofiled Demand Properties
- Current Average Specific Consumption
- Calculated Average Specific Consumption
- Demand for Known Profiles displays the total demand for all demand categories used in the demand area that are not described as leakage profile or unprofiled demand from the Parameters tab
- Unaccounted for Water displays a calculated leakage
- Leakage Profile Factor is the average factor taken from the demand diagram for the leakage category over the measurement period
To generate a report containing summary tables of Demand Area Statistics, Demand Category information, and graphs of Demand Profile and Flow Balance:
- Click Report.
The report can either be copied and pasted to another application or saved as an HTML file.
To save the report as an HTML file:
- In the Demand Area Report dialog box, select HTML File.
- Click Browse (…).
- In the file browser, Save As window, enter a name for the file, such as “DA Report”.
- Click Save.
In the Demand Area Report dialog box, the file path appears.
- Click OK.
- In a file browser, open DA Report.html to view the report.
The report shows all valid results once the demand diagrams and networks have been updated.