Setting up flushing simulations and schedules

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When setting up a flushing simulation using the Flushing Scheduler, you can use which of the following?

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Step-by-step Guide

In InfoWorks WS Pro, the Flushing Schedule object is used to develop flushing schedules and to carry out flushing simulations. A Flushing Schedule contains a sequence of actions for cleaning a water distribution network, flushing the pipes with water one section at a time.

  1. From the Model Group window, expand BridgeTown Flushing.
  2. Drag and drop Network and Control into the workspace to open them in the GeoPlan.

A flushing simulation requires the use of a normal or "base" run. If you have one, skip to Step 10. Otherwise, to create a base run:

  1. From the Model Group window, right-click Run Group and select New > Run.
  2. In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, enter the name "Base".
  3. From the Model Group Click, drag Network into the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, and drop it into the Network group box.
  4. Drag Control and Demand Diagram into their corresponding group boxes.
  5. Enable Experimental.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Run.

In the InfoWorks WS Pro interface, the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box with options configured, and the Network and Control GeoPlan open in the workspace.

To create a flushing object:

  1. In the Model Group, right-click BridgeTown Flushing and select New > Flushing Schedule Group.
  2. In the New Name - Flushing Schedule Group dialog box, enter a name or keep the default.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Model Group window, right-click Flushing Schedule Group and select New > Flushing Schedule.
  5. In the New Name - Flushing Schedule dialog box, enter a name or keep the default.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Model Group, double-click the new Flushing Schedule.
  8. In the Flushing Scheduler, click the Simulations tab.
  9. In the Model Group, expand Run Group > Base.
  10. Drag the Control run into the Flushing Scheduler and drop it into the Base Simulation group box.
  11. Click Create Flushing Simulation.

The Flushing Scheduler, Simulations tab, with Create Flushing Simulation selected.

The flushing network opens in the GeoPlan, and the flushing scheduler now appears in the Model Group.

  1. In the Flushing Scheduler, click the Criteria & Hydrants tab. For this example, leave the values in the Criteria group box unchanged.

Because this model does not contain hydrants at every node, a default hydrant must be selected:

  1. From the Model Group, drag the Pipes to flush selection list into the GeoPlan to highlight the branch of pipes to be flushed.
  2. In the GeoPlan, zoom in to view the selected pipes and their ID numbers.
  3. In the Flushing Scheduler dialog box, Hydrants group box, click Pick Hydrant. The cursor updates with an "H".
  4. In the GeoPlan, click a hydrant.

Flushing Scheduler on the Criteria & Hydrants tab displaying the Pick Hydrant procedure on the GeoPlan.

In the Hydrants group box, the grid updates with the properties of the selected hydrant.

To change the selected hydrant:

  1. Right-click in the left margin of the grid and select Delete Row.
  2. Repeat Steps 24-25 to select a new hydrant.

Important: A flushing simulation is performed using hydrants or nodes. However, if nodes are used, you must assign them the properties of a hydrant. If there are no hydrants in the network, you must enter properties into the Hydrants grid manually.

  1. Click the Schedule tab.

To create a list and timeline of flushing actions:

  1. In the Actions group box, click Add. In the first row of the grid, values for number and minimum interval automatically populate.
  2. In the Name column, enter the name "Action 1".
  3. Expand the Date/Time drop-down and set a date and time that falls within the base run in the proper format for your region. In this example, the chosen date and time is May 2, 2022, at 08:00.

If needed, double-click the base run to open the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box and verify the Start and End dates and times.

  1. Select the Fixed Time checkbox.
  2. Click the left margin of the row to highlight it.

Ensure that the name of the group box below the grid changes from Selected Action [none] to Selected Action [1].

In the Flushing Scheduler, the Schedule tab with options configured for Action 1, which is highlighted in the Actions grid.

To select the pipes to be flushed and the flushing points:

  1. In the Selected Action [1] group box, select the Pipes Flushed tab.
  2. Click Pick Pipe. The cursor updates with an "F".
  3. In the GeoPlan, pick the pipe with ID number ST28368605.ST28368602.1.
  4. Pick pipe ST28367601.ST28367703.1.

Flushing Scheduler on the Schedule tab displaying the Pick Pipe procedure on the GeoPlan.

  1. In the Flushing Scheduler dialog box, click Fill Gaps.

All pipes between the two selected pipes highlight and become part of the pipe selection.

  1. In the Selected Action group box, click the Flushing Points tab.
  2. Click Pick Node.
  3. Pick hydrant ST28367703.

Flushing Scheduler on the Schedule tab displaying the Flushing Points procedure.

To run a successful flushing simulation, first, some neighboring pipes must be closed:

  1. Under Selected Action, click the Close tab.
  2. Enable Include Pipes.
  3. Click Pick Link.
  4. In the GeoPlan, pick pipe ST28368605.ST28367602.1. On the Close tab, the properties of the pipe appear in the grid.
  5. From the Actions group box, click Add.
  6. In the Add Action dialog box, select After Action 1.
  7. Disable Copy Flushing Points and Links to Close from preceding action.
  8. Click OK.

The Add Action dialog box with options configured and highlighted in red, and OK selected.

In the Actions grid, the second row now appears active, with values for number and minimum interval.

  1. In the Name column, type "Action 2".
  2. Adjust the Date/Time to May 2nd, 2022, at 08:30.
  3. Select the Fixed Time check box.

To select additional pipes to flush:

  1. Click the left margin of the second row to highlight Action 2.
  2. From the Selected Action (2) group box, open the Pipes Flushed tab.
  3. Click Pick Pipe.
  4. On the GeoPlan, click pipe ST28368605.ST28367602.1.
  5. Select pipe ST283687603.ST28367604.1.
  6. On the Pipes Flushed tab, click Fill Gaps.
  7. Open the Flushing Points tab.
  8. Click Pick Node.
  9. On the GeoPlan, pick hydrant ST28367604.
  10. Click the Close tab.
  11. Select Pick Link.
  12. On the GeoPlan, pick pipe ST28368605.ST28368602.1.
  13. In the Flushing Scheduler, click Save.

Notice that in this example, nothing appears in the Warnings and Errors window.

  1. In the Selected Action (2) group box, click Update.

A grid appears, listing details of the Action 1 flushing action, including velocity, flush volume, and duration.

The Flushing Scheduler, Schedule tab, with the details grid highlighted in red.

  1. Click Start Run.

To view the details in spreadsheet format:

  1. Once the run is complete, in the Model Group window, right-click Flushing Schedule and select Open as.
  2. In the Select Format dialog box, click Workbook.
  3. Click OK.

A spreadsheet opens with details of each action in the flushing schedule.

The Flushing Schedule Workbook window displaying details for each action of the flushing schedule.

  1. In the Workbook window, in the upper-right hand corner, use the back and forward arrow buttons to review the details of each action.
  2. Close the Workbook window.
  3. In the Model Group, double-click Flushing Schedule.
  4. In the Flushing Scheduler, in the Selected Action group box, click Update.

The grid of flushing action details, including velocity, flush volume, and duration, updates to account for the hydraulic conditions obtained from the flushing simulation. This provides a more accurate representation of the flushing conditions.

The Flushing Scheduler, Schedule tab, with the Update button and updated grid both highlighted in red.