Step-by-step Guide
Graphing alternate simulation results is useful when planning, developing, and managing water systems. Comparing different simulation results provides visibility into water supply network alternatives and water use for future planning. In this example, you will create two simulations—one of a base scenario and one of a scenario that represents a new housing development.
- Copy Session 5.wspt into your Database.
- From the Model Group window, drag-and-drop BridgeNet into the workspace to open the GeoPlan.
- In the Scenarios toolbar, expand the Select scenario drop-down.
- Select the new scenario, Housing Development, which has a new node with allocated demand linked to the existing network.
To create the two simulations, first, create a new run:
- From the Model Group window, right-click Session 05 and select New > Run Group.

- In the Run Group dialog box, click OK.
- From the Model Group window, right-click the new Run Group and select New > Run.

- In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, Title field, enter the name “Housing Development”.
- Select Experimental.
Note: Selecting Experimental ensures that the simulation can be re-run with the same run title, even if parameters change.
- From the Model Group window, drag the BridgeNet network into the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box and drop it into the Network
Notice the Control and Demand Diagram automatically populate.
- Open the Scenarios
- Select both the Base scenario and the new Housing Development
- Click Save.
- Click Run.

- In the notification dialog box, click Yes.
In the Model Group window, under Run Group, the two simulations appear once the run is complete.

To open the simulations:
- Drag-and-drop the run titled BridgeCon into the workspace to open the base simulation.
- In the Model Group window, under Run Group, right-click the Housing Development run and select Open as.

- In the Select Results dialog box, select As Alternate Results For Comparison.
- Click OK.

To graph the results of a specific network object to compare the simulations, first, find the existing pipe with a newly created node linked to it:
- In the Operations toolbar, select Find network objects.
- In the Network Find dialog box, select Asset under Match Identifier.
- In the objects list, enable Links.
- In the Wildcard field, enter the asset ID “169656”.
- Select 169656 under Matched Objects.
- Click Select and find.

Now, to create the graph:
- From the Tools toolbar, select Graph.
- In the GeoPlan, select a node of the found pipe, highlighted in red.

- In the Select what to graph dialog box, select Pressure (psi).
- Select Graph alternate results.
- Click OK.

A graph appears, indicating a pressure drop due to the demand allocated to the new development network. Use the results to determine if changes are needed within the network.

Creating more runs to compare simulation results develops unlimited what-if scenarios of your network or control without affecting the integrity of the base model.