Apply different types of loads and constraints in FEA - Summary

You have finished this lesson! Here are the major takeaways:

  • We looked at the correct application of loads and constraints in Nastran to ensure accurate FEA results and discussed various load types, constraints, and the use of local coordinate systems and subcases.
  • We showed you how to assign loads and constraints to an FEA simulation on a trailer hitch component in Inventor Nastran, including applying gravity and bearing loads, and verifying boundary conditions.
  • We discussed using subcases in Inventor Nastran to compare different analyses by maintaining the same constraints and gravity load while changing the bearing load's direction on a trailer hitch component.
  • We reviewed the subcase results for two different load directions on a trailer hitch using Inventor Nastran, compared von Mises stress, displacement, and reaction forces, and demonstrated how to create XY plots for detailed analysis.
  • We demonstrated assigning and analyzing Enforced Motion Loads on a thin sheet metal bracket in Inventor Nastran, including creating shell idealizations, applying constraints, and evaluating stresses and reaction forces for vertical and horizontal displacements.

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