With rod connectors, you select two points that define the end points of the rod. These two points can be vertices of existing CAD geometry (to create the rod between them), between a vertex of the CAD model and a work point, or between two work points.
The rod is a good way to connect two points with a member that can carry tension or compression. Functionally, the rod element can carry tension and compression, but not bending.
As can be seen from the image below, the rod type of connector requires, at a minimum, input for the end points, the material, and a cross-sectional area. A polar moment of inertia (J), torsional stress coefficient, and nonstructural mass (NSM) may also be entered.
In the video, we’ll take a look at this simple truss system, modeled using the rod type connectors in Inventor Nastran.
Anticipated results: