Assigning and working with enforced motion loads

Enforced motion loads - Exercise

  1. Open the Enforced Motion.ipt part from your working folder. 
  2. In the Environments tab>Begin panel, click Autodesk Inventor Nastran
  3. In the Setup panel, click Loads
  4. In the Load dialog box, do the following: 
    • Change the name to 1/8” Displacement
    • Change the Type to Enforced Motion
    • The Sub Type should be Displacement
    • Click the edge shown in the image below (edge<8>) for Selected Entities.
    • Input 0.125 for Tz
    • Check the box next to the glasses at the bottom.

  5. Review the inputs and click OK
  6. In the Setup panel, click Constraints. 
  7. In the Constraint dialog box, do the following: 
    • Change the name to EM Constraint
    • Choose the same edge as the enforced motion load (edge<8>) for Selected Entities
    • Clear all the Degrees of Freedom checkboxes, except for Tz
    • Check the box next to the glasses at the bottom.

  8. Review the inputs and click OK
  9. In the Setup panel, click Constraints. 
  10. In the Constraint dialog box, do the following: 
    • Change the name to Hole 1
    • Select the edge shown below (edge<1>) for Selected Entities
    • Check the box next to the glasses at the bottom.

  11. Select OK
  12. In the Setup panel, click Constraints
  13. In the Constraint dialog box, do the following: 
    • Change the name to Hole 2
    • Select the edge shown below (edge<6>) for Selected Entities
    • Check the box next to the glasses at the bottom.

  14. Select OK
  15. On the Solve panel, select Run
  16. Review the results for Stress and Displacement.

  17. Under Constraints in the Analysis Tree, right-click on EM Constraint and select Reactions.

  18. Review the reaction forces. 
  19. Select Close when finished. 
  20. Save and Close the model.

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