Check standards compliance on building projects using Revit - Summary

You have finished this lesson! Here are the major takeaways:

  • We gave you an overview on how to ensure your team has properly utilized the Revit templates that follow the BIM Execution Plan or BEP requirements.
  • We talked about reviewing the model against that BEP and some helpful tools in Revit that will help you define a foundational framework, to ensure successful deployment of advanced design techniques on your BIM enabled projects.
  • We helped you understand the use of Autodesk Model Checker for Revit, an add-in that is designed to quickly identify possible conflicts or areas of noncompliance in a model by running several standard checks which can be viewed or exported for analytical review.
  • We took a look at the approving model process for handover, because various deliverables are typically expected and identified within the BEP.

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