Run an interference check

Run an interference check - Exercise

Interference checking lets you quickly identify pipe network parts that may conflict with each other. This features inside Civil 3D compares the actual 3D Model of the pipe network to identify parts that physically overlap, collide, or intersect in an inappropriate way, or that have violated the predefined, proximity-based criteria.

Objective 1: Run an interference check

  1. Open Civil 3D.
  2. Open Interference Checks in Civil 3D_Begin.dwg.
  3. Navigate to the Analyze Tab > Design Panel > Interference Check.

  4. Click Interference Check.
  5. Click on any part in the Sanitary Pipe Network (Green).
  6. Click on any part in the Basin 2 Pipe Network (Cyan).
  7. In the Create Interference Check dialog box, Enter Sanitary & Basin 2 for Name.
  8. Packages > select Search for a Package.
  9. Network 1: - Sanitary Sewer Network
  10. Network 2: - BASIN 2
  11. Layer = C-STRM
  12. Interference Style = Basic

  13. Click 3D proximity check criteria at the bottom of the dialogue box.
  14. Check Apply 3D Proximity Check.
  15. Select Use distance.
  16. Enter 10.
  17. Click OK.

    Civil 3D will provide a notification of the Number of Interferences found. In this case, three total interferences were found.
  18. Click OK.

    Notice the three orange circles denoted in the drawing file, and the new interference check in the Prospector Tab > Pipe Networks > Interference Checks.

  19. Right Click on the Sanity & Basin 2 interference check in the Prospector.
  20. Click Interference Properties.

  21. Criteria Tab at the top, Enter 5’ for Use Distance.

  22. Click OK. The total number of interferences is now 2.

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