Setting up project for geospatial coordinate systems

Set up coordinate systems in Civil 3D and Revit - Exercise

Task 1: Setting a coordinate system in Civil 3D

  1. Open Civil 3D and start a new drawing with _Autodesk Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS.dwt.
  2. Navigate to the Settings Tab on the TOOLSPACE Tool Palette.
  3. Right-click on the drawing name and select Edit Drawing Settings.
  4. On the Units and Zones Tab, type CO83-CF in the Selected coordinate system code box. Select OK.

  5. Navigate to the Insert tab on the Ribbon and select LandXML.
  6. Navigate to your data set and select EG_SRF.XML, accept defaults and select OK.

  7. Save drawing as _DR-SRF_EG.dwg.
  8. Navigate to the Geolocation Tab on the Ribbon and Display Online Map.
  9. Open Xref Dialog and overlay _XR-SitePlan.dwg.

Task 2: Setting the shared coordinate system in Revit

  1. Open PedestrianBridge.RVT in Revit.
  2. Navigate to the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
    1. Select Link CAD.

    2. Select _XR-SitePlan.dwg.
    3. For Positioning: Auto – By Shared Coordinates.

  3. Zoom extent to display the entire site plan.
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