• Revit

Display lighting levels

Interpret a dynamically updated color fill with changes to lighting fixtures.

Step-by-step guide

Interpret a dynamically updated color fill with changes to lighting fixtures.

  1. Open the project E06_03.rvt.
  2. Ensure the current view is Lighting > Floor Plans > 1 – Lighting.
  3. Right-click and create a duplicate view of 1 – Lighting by choosing Duplicate View > Duplicate.

  1. Rename the duplicate view “1 – Lighting Levels”.
  2. Select any lighting fixture in the view and press “VH” to hide the category of lighting fixtures in this view.
  3. In the Analyze tab of the ribbon, click Space.
  4. From the Options Bar, set the Upper Limit to Level 2 and the Offset to 0.
  5. In the ribbon, click Place Spaces Automatically.

A notification reports that 16 spaces have been automatically created.

  1. Click Close.
  2. To automatically add space names and numbers aligned with the architectural rooms in this project, click Space Naming in the Analyze tab of the ribbon.
  3. In the Space Naming dialog box, select Names and Numbers.
  4. Select All Levels.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Position the view on screen so that there is room to the right side to place a color fill legend.
  3. From the ribbon, click Color Fill Legend.
  4. Place the legend to the right side of the floor plan.
  5. Click OK to accept the defaults.

  1. Select the placed legend.
  2. On the Modify | Color Fill Legends contextual ribbon, click Edit Scheme.

  1. Within the Edit Color Scheme dialog box, create a duplicate of Scheme 1.
  2. Name the color scheme “Illuminance”.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Change the Title of the color scheme to Illuminance.
  3. Set the Color to Average Estimated Illumination.

  1. Read the message.
  2. Click OK to close all windows.
  3. Select the legend.
  4. Click Edit Type in the Properties dialog.
  5. In the Type Properties dialog box for the legend, select Show Title.
  6. Click OK.

Note the color fill legend with the title.

  1. Select the legend from the screen.
  2. Click Edit Scheme.
  3. Set the Scheme Definition to By Range.
  4. Set the At Least value to 40.
  5. Use the green plus button to add a value.
  6. Set the value to 50.
  7. In the Color column, change the colors from the defaults to 3 different colors.

  1. Click OK.

Note the color by range, not value, in the view.

  1. In the View tab, click Tile Views.
  2. View 1 – Lighting and 1 – Lighting Levels at the same time.
  3. Select a lighting fixture from the dining area in view 1 – Lighting.
  4. Change it using the Type Selector to Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture 2x2 120.

  1. Review the updated color for the dining area in the view 1 – Lighting Levels.

  1. Save the project.
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