• Forma

Connect a Forma project to a Rhino project

Download the Autodesk Forma Plug-In for Rhinoceros and connect a Forma project to your Rhino project.

Step-by-step guide

Forma—Rhino interoperability enables the connection of a Forma project to a Rhino project. This is a first step in sharing data between the two programs.

If needed, download and install the Rhino plug-in for Forma:

  1. With Forma open, in the sidebar, click Extensions.

In the Forma interface, the design for this example, Proposal 2, is open on the canvas, and in the sidebar, Extensions is selected and called out.

  1. In the Extensions panel, click Add extension.
  2. In the Extensions dialog box, scroll to find and select the Rhino plug-in.
  3. Click Download.

The Extensions dialog box, which displays an overview of the Rhino plug-in, with the Download button selected and highlighted in red.

  1. Click Agree to install the extension and agree with the terms of use.
  2. With the plug-in installed, in Rhino, open the relevant project data.
  3. In the Command bar, enter “Forma” to open the Forma dialog.
  4. Drag the dialog box over toward the Layers panel to dock it as a panel next to it.

In the Rhino interface, with the relevant project data open, the Forma Plug-In dialog box is docked next to the Layers panel on the right side of the interface.

To connect to Forma, enter the Forma URL and proposal to connect the Rhino project to:

  1. In Forma, open the appropriate project.
  2. In the navigation bar, copy the URL.

In Forma, the URL for the project to connect the Rhino project to is selected, and Copy is selected in the expanded context menu.

  1. In Rhino, in the Forma panel, paste the URL into the Enter Project URL field.
  2. Expand the Select a Proposal drop-down and select a proposal. In this case, Proposal 2 is selected.
  3. Click Load Site Data.

In Rhino, in the Forma Plug-In panel, the Forma project URL and proposal are identified in the appropriate fields, and Load Site Data is being selected.

The Rhino project is now connected to the Forma project, and data can be fetched from Forma to Rhino to utilize the capabilities of both programs in the design workflow.