• Revit

Creating new wall types with materials

Create a new multi-layer wall type.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step guide

Create a new multi-layer wall type, add materials to layers, and modify the function and thickness of layers.

  1. Open the file W-Arch_C-Wall-Types_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the Level 1 plan view.
  2. In the Architecture tab > Build panel, click Walls.
  3. In Properties, expand the Type Selector and review the wall types that are included in the project.

In the Revit interface, the open Level 1 plan view, and in Properties, the expanded Type Selector, with a list of wall types in the project.

  1. Click Modify to exit the Wall command.
  2. In the view, select the horizontal wall at the top of the building.
  3. In Properties, click Edit Type.

In the view, the horizontal wall at the top of the building selected, and in the Properties palette, Edit Tyle selected and highlighted in red.

  1. In the Type Properties dialog box, click Duplicate.
  2. Name the new type 8ʺ Insulated Stud.
  3. Click OK.

In the Type Properties dialog box, Duplicate highlighted in red: and in the Name popup, the Name for this example entered and highlighted in red, with OK selected.

  1. In the Type Parameters group box, next to the Structure parameter, click Edit.
  2. In the Edit Assembly dialog box, click Preview, if needed, to see the preview pane.
  3. In the Layers section, click Insert twice to add two more layers.

In the Edit Assembly dialog box, the Preview button highlighted in red, and in the Layers group box, the Insert button selected and highlighted in red.

  1. Select one of the layers and click Up to place it above the Core Boundary.
  2. Select another layer and click Down to place it below the Core Boundary.

In the Edit Assembly dialog box, in the Layers group box, one of the new layers highlighted, with the Down button selected.

  1. For Layer 1, in the Function column, expand the drop-down and select Finish 1 [4].
  2. For Layer 5, change the Function to Finish 2 [5].
  3. For Layer 1, click in the Material column, and then select the Browse () button.

In the Edit Assembly dialog box, Layers group box, the first cell in the Material column highlighted, with the <strong>Browse</strong> (<strong>…</strong>) button selected.

  1. In the Material Browser, in the search field, type “eifs”.
  2. Select Finishes – Exterior – EIFS – Exterior Insulation and Finish System.

In the Material Browser, “eifs” entered in the search field, and in the search results, the finish selected for this example.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Set Layer 3 to Wood – Stud Layer.
  3. Set Layer 5 to Finishes – Interior – Gypsum Wall Board.

Set the Thicknesses as follows:

  1. Set Layer 1 to 0'-2".
  2. Set Layer 3 to 0'-5 1/2".
  3. Set Layer 5 to 0'-0 5/8".

The preview updates with the new layers, materials, and thicknesses.

In the Edit Assembly dialog box, the Thickness values highlighted in red, and the updated preview.

  1. Click OK twice to close the dialog boxes.

The currently selected wall is updated with the new wall type.

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