• Revit

Revising split walls

Edit a split wall

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step guide

Use the Split Element tool to split a wall at one or multiple points, and remove an inner segment.

  1. In the Modify tab, Modify panel, click Split Element.
  2. Select a wall.
  3. Click to place the split.

In the Revit interface, Modify tab, the Split Element tool selected and highlighted in red, and in the plan view, a point on a wall selected to place a split, highlighted in red.

  1. While still in the command, change the temporary dimension to 4'-0".
  2. Change the temporary dimension to 8'-0".
  3. Click Modify to exit the command.
  4. Select the wall on the left.
  5. In the Type Selector, select Basic Wall: Exterior – CMU Insulated.

The wall changes to the new type.

In the Properties panel, the wall type selected for this example highlighted in red, and in the plan view, the wall on the left displays as the new type.

  1. In the Quick Access Toolbar, click Undo.
  2. Select one of the walls.
  3. To join the split walls, click the Drag Wall End control.

With one wall selected, the Drag Wall End control selected at the split to join the walls.

  1. Click Split Element again.
  2. Pick a point on the wall to place the split.
  3. On the ribbon, click Modify.
  4. Hover the cursor over the split line and press the TAB key until only the split line is highlighted.
  5. Click it and use the temporary dimension to change the length to 6'-0".

The highlighted split selected to display the temporary dimension.

  1. Select one of the walls and click the Drag Wall End control to join the split walls.
  2. Start Split Element again.
  3. Click the wall in two places to split the wall into several segments.
  4. Click Modify.
  5. Select the inner segment.
  6. Right-click the segment and select Delete.

The wall split into 3 segments, the inner segment selected, and in the expanded context menu, Delete selected.

To remove the inner segment automatically:

  1. Start Split Element again.
  2. In the Options Bar, select Delete Inner Segment.
  3. Select two points on the vertical wall to the right.

The Split Element tool and the Delete Inner Segment option selected and highlighted in red, and on the vertical wall, the highlighted cursor clicking the second point, with the inner segment removed.

  1. Click Modify to exit the tool.
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