• Revit

Wall alignment options

Align walls to each other.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step guide

Align walls to each other.

  1. Open the file W-Arch_Align_Walls_RVT2021.rvt. It opens in the Level 1 plan view.
  2. In the Modify tab > Modify panel, click Align.
  3. In the Options Bar, expand the Prefer drop-down to review the alignment options.

In the Revit interface, on the modify tab, Modify panel, Align selected and highlighted in red, in the Options Bar, the Prefer drop-down expanded, and the Level 1 plan view for this example.

  1. In the ribbon, click Modify to cancel the command.
  2. In the drawing area, select one of the external walls.
  3. In Properties, click Edit Type.

A wall selected in the drawing area, and in the Properties palette, Edit Type selected and highlighted in red.

This opens the Type Properties dialog box for the wall type.

  1. In the Type Properties dialog box, click Preview, if needed, to see the preview panel.

The Type Properties dialog box, with the Preview button highlighted in red and selected to display the preview panel.

  1. Under Type Parameters, in the Value column, click Edit.
  2. In the Edit Assembly dialog box, review the Layers.

In the Edit Assembly dialog box, a preview panel and layer details for the selected wall.

  1. Click Cancel twice to close the dialog boxes.
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