Use your Fusion CAM skills to manufacture a storage bin that can be laser cut, waterjet cut, or manufactured with a CNC router.
Complete this project to manufacture a storage bin that can be laser cut, waterjet cut, or manufactured with a CNC router.
This practical project leverages some of Fusion’s best features and intended workflows. In this project, you will use a DXF from sketch geometry to create parts on a laser cutter or waterjet. For manufacture with a CNC router, you'll define tools, create and modify 2D machining operations, and generate toolpaths needed for the manufacturing process. Finally, you’ll choose an appropriate post processor and generate numeric code. The suggested machines are medium to large format lasers or CNC routers, although small desktop machines are also well suited to this project.
After completing this project, you’ll be able to:
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Use the instructor guide included in the downloads folder to incorporate this project into your lesson plans and use the lecture slides to help facilitate in-class learning.
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Need to teach the skills covered in this project?
Send your students to our Introduction to CAD, CAM, and Practical CNC Machining for Milling self-guided course. They can learn at their own pace, track their own progress, and earn a certificate of completion when they get 75% or more on the final test.
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