Review Updated Clashes in Navisworks and Close ACC Issues​

Close Clash Issues – Practice Exercise

Task 1: Opening the NWF File from Docs 

  1. Start Navisworks. 
  2. Using the Desktop Connector, open the NWF file saved in the Docs project, as shown below.

    Notice the error messages on the left of the clash test names. These messages inform you that the model or test settings have changed since the last run.

Task 2: Updating Clash Tests 

  1. In the Clash Detective window, click on Update All to update all clash tests. 
  2. Alternatively, you can right-click on a selected clash test and click Run from the shortcut menu to re-run that clash test, as shown below: 

    On doing so, the clash test is refreshed, and the window shows you all the clashes that are resolved, as shown below: 

Task 3: Reviewing Resolved Clashes 

  1. Sort the clashes in the Clash Detective window based on their statuses, as shown below:

  2. Click on the resolved clash corresponding to the first clash issue you resolved; the clash view is restored. 
  3. Orbit the model and notice the clearance between the duct and the structural elements, as shown below:

  4. In the Clash Detective window, change the highlight option to status color, as shown below:

  5. Review the clashes corresponding to the issues you resolved and ensure those clashes are resolved. 
  6. In the Clash Detective window, click the Select tab. 
  7. Restore the Overview viewpoint. 
  8. Save the NWC file and close it.

Task 3: Closing Clash Issues 

  1. Using the Web browser, log on to the Docs project. 
  2. Navigate to the Issues tool from the left navigation. 
  3. Click on the first clash issue you resolved and confirmed in Navisworks. 
  4. Scroll down in the Issue window and add a comment. 
  5. Click Submit, as shown below:

  6. Scroll to the top of this Issue window. 
  7. Change the status of the issue to Closed, as shown below:

  8. Repeat this process with all other issues you resolved.

Review Updated Clashes in Navisworks and Close ACC Issues​ - Quiz

Required for course completion

3 questions

When you change the status of an issue, all the stakeholders involved in the issue are notified about the status change.

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Which Navisworks file has live links to the project models?

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Once you update the clash tests in Navisworks, which information is not provided in the Clash Detective window?

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