• Forma

Analysis in Forma

Identify the various analyses available through Forma.

Step-by-step guide

The Analysis tools in Autodesk Forma enable you to test and understand proposals during the early planning stages of the design process.

  1. Open an existing Forma project.
  2. In the right panel, in the Analyze menu, click Area metrics, if it is not already displayed.
    In an open Forma project, a zoomed-in view of the right panel, with Area metrics highlighted in red.

Default metrics are displayed in this example, with some that are tailored to certain geographies.

  1. Expand the drop-downs and configure the metrics as needed.
    In the right panel of an open Forma project, the cursor expanding one of the default metrics, with relevant geometries highlighted on the canvas.
  1. Open the Units tab to review any units within the project.
  2. Open the Parking tab for relevant parking metrics, including the number of parking spots and access driveways.
  3. From the Analyze menu, click the Sun hours analysis to analyze sun hours.
    In the right panel, the Sun hours analysis selected, with a description and relevant settings displayed.

The sun analysis measures the amount of time in sunlight at a given date for points covering the ground and the buildings in a proposal.

  1. Click the Daylight potential analysis for insights into the daylight performance of the proposal buildings, based on Vertical Sky Component (VSC) measurements.
  2. Select the powerful Wind analysis tool for early phase assessment of a site for various effects caused by wind.
    In the right panel, the Wind analysis selected in the Analyze menu, and on the canvas, an example of a rapid wind analysis.

Two assessment methods are available: an AI-powered rapid analysis that provides quick, directional results, and a more detailed simulation suitable for documentation purposes. To ensure reliability, the analysis has been benchmarked against several engineering consultancies, as well as academic benchmarks.

  1. Click the Microclimate analysis to compute the perceived temperature of outdoor spaces.

By combining the results of the sun, wind, and daylight analyses, with localized weather and climate data, Forma can create a comprehensive map of the local climate conditions on a site. It also provides disaster testing by creating future scenarios that might apply to the site.

  1. Use the Operational energy analysis to predict the energy it will take to operate the proposed building, including lighting, heating and cooling, and powering appliances.
    In the right panel, the Operational energy analysis selected in the Analyze menu, and on the canvas, an example of a rapid energy analysis.
  1. Click the Noise analysis for insights into the noise caused by road and rail traffic near a site.

As with wind, there is a rapid and detailed version available depending on assessment needs.

  1. Select the Solar energy analysis to identify which façades or roofs have the most exposure to sun radiation.

It also helps to estimate the annual potential electricity production from solar panels.

  1. Use the Extensions icon to access analyses by extensions.

The analyses in Forma are fast and easy to use, with no need for in-depth technical expertise, making them ideal during the early stages of project planning.

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