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Access the Criticality Assessment Manager app and learn about the available modes, user interface options, and result reports.
Access the Criticality Assessment Manager app and learn about the available modes, user interface options, and result reports.
The Criticality Assessment Manager (CAM) is accessed through the InfoWater Pro App Manager. Two assessment modes are available:
The user interface and the method for setting up a valve criticality modeling run differ, depending on the mode selected.
Only the valves in the model—usually system valves—are taken into consideration.
Model element data and closeable elements selected for assessment—junctions, valves, or pipes—are defined by selection sets or by user selection in InfoWater Pro.
Before clicking Run, set Assessment Threshold Data and Assessment Time.
The optional Report File provides a summary record of the project file and user-selected run options in ASCII format, along with detailed reporting for each assessed element. Use any text editor to read this file.
Valve elements for assessment are selected from a GIS layer that stores point features for line valves.
Two assessment methods are available:
Next, select the Assessment Element Data. Click Set Sources to open the Set Valve Data Source dialog box.
In this dialog box, select the GIS layer to be used as the valve data source, as well as other options.
As with Based on Model Elements mode, set Assessment Threshold Data and Assessment Time before clicking Run.
For either mode, once the valve criticality analysis is started, the CAM evaluates the network based on the active network and the selected options. Progress is displayed on the progress bar, and a summary is displayed in the Message Board.
For Based on Model Elements mode, results can be viewed as Standard Reports.
Available reports include:
Low Pressure Junctions - displays junctions with a predicted pressure less than the Low Pressure Threshold but above the No Water Threshold.
Isolated Junctions - displays junctions isolated by the formation of a pound (a group of network elements that would have to be isolated via system valves should one or more of the pipes fail within that group) and also by geographical or hydraulic disconnection.
For all of the Standard Reports, Pound Areas and Pound Colors can be selected.
See the InfoWater Pro Help topic, Criticality Assessment Manager: Standard Reports for details on all of the available reports.
For Based on GIS Layer Elements mode, results can be viewed as Extended Reports.
These reports are arranged in three categories:
Under Highlight Colors, assign colors for nodes, pipes, and pumps/valves in the map display.
For all reports, use the toolbar buttons to sort, search, print, and save reports.