• InfoWater Pro

Performing Demand Allocation Using the Closest Junction Method

To allocate system demands using the Closest Junction method and view the results. 

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


The evolution of geographical information systems has led to the availability of comprehensive data sets, including land use, water meter locations, and demand area polygons. These data, when properly processed, can be effectively used to create system demands throughout a hydraulic network model.

  1. Open the appropriate .aprx file in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. From the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Project panel, click Initialize.

To add the meter sales data necessary for the allocation:

  1. From the ArcGIS ribbon, Map tab, Layer panel, click Add Data.
  2. Navigate to and double-click the .gdb file for this exercise.
  3. Select the Meter_Sales shapefile.
  4. Click OK to add it to the table of contents.
    The Add Data window with the Meter_Sales shapefile selected and highlighted
  5. On the ribbon, InfoWater Pro tab, Allocator panel, click Allocation Manager.
  6. To configure the target demand set for the allocation, in the Demand Allocation Manager, click Options.

A data set should always be cloned so that all the BASE data is contained in it, and then changes can be made from there. To make a clone of the BASE demand set:

  1. Click the Target Demand Set Browse button ().
  2. In the Demand Set popup, select the BASE, Base Demand Set.
  3. Click Clone.
  4. In the New Demand Set popup, for the New ID, type “BASE_METER, base demand from meter data”.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK to close the Demand Set window.
    The Demand Allocator Options dialog box, with browse highlighted to open the corresponding Demand Set window.
  7. Expand the Target Demand Set drop-down.
  8. Select the BASE_METER demand set you just created.
  9. Click Purge All Demands to remove all demands from the BASE_METER demand set, so they are all effectively set to 0.
  10. In the confirmation popup, click OK to confirm and close it.
  11. When the purge process is complete, click OK to close the Demand Allocator Options window.

Back in the Demand Allocation Manager, set up the allocation:

  1. In the Allocation Method group, select Closest Junction. Working in conjunction with meter data, the closest junction method assigns demands to the junctions closest to the water meter.
  2. In the Meter Configuration group, expand the Meter Layer drop-down.
  3. Select the Meter_Sales layer added earlier. (If you cannot see the full file path in the field, hover the cursor over the field, or drag the edge of the Demand Allocation Manager window to expand it.)
  4. Expand the Demand Field drop-down.
  5. Scroll down and select DMD. This signifies that the DMD field in the meter layer contains the demands to assign to the model.
  6. In the Junction ID Field group, click New Field.
  7. In the New Field popup, specify HX_JNT as the new field.
  8. Click OK. This populates the ID of the junction that each meter is assigned to.
  9. Expand the Junction ID Field drop-down.
  10. Select the HX_JNT field that you just created.
  11. Set the Allocation Scaling Factor to 1.

Note: Because the meters are using the same units as the model in this tutorial—gallons per minute—you do not need to scale your demands.

The Demand Allocation Manager, with settings for this Closest Junction allocation.

  1. Click Allocate Demand.
  2. Wait for the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window to appear after a few minutes.
  3. In the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window, you can see that the Total Demand is 1471.80 gpm for this tutorial.
    The Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window displaying the tutorial results of the Closest Junction allocation.
  4. When finished, click OK to close the Allocation Report & Water Duty Calculator window.
  5. Click Close to exit the Demand Allocation Manager.
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