• InfoWorks ICM

ICM versioning and database compatibility

As an administrator, you will be able to identify ICM versions and maintain database compatibility.

When managing ICM, it is important to understand version numbering, especially if data is shared internally or externally.

Each release has a product version number denoting the major version year {2024}, followed by the minor version, and, in some cases, a final patch number.

A sample InfoWorks ICM version number of 2023.2.2, with labels for the major release version and the minor version.

There is a separate build number. The first number is the major version, the next number is the minor version, and the last is a patch number. This version number is available in the About dialog box.

In the About InfoWorks dialog box, the Product, Version, and License information highlighted in red.

From version 2023, ICM databases have been made backward-compatible. It is not possible to connect ICM to a database that is newer than the version of ICM. It is also not possible to copy from a newer database version into an older version.

In the New Database dialog box for ICM 2025.2, the Database version drop-down is expanded, with 2024.0 selected; and in the background is the Open Workgroup Database dialog box.

Cloud capabilities, including databases and simulations, are only available from version 2024 onwards. Note that when using the Cloud, typically only the latest and preceding simulation engine version will be available for use. Users will be notified as engines are decommissioned.

For those managing distributed simulation environments, the remote agent and the client version must match exactly. To ensure consistency of results, administrators should manage deployments so that agents and clients update at the same time.

For more information on product versions, see the support document Autodesk Policy on Versioning for InfoWorks ICM and InfoWorks WS Pro

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