FormIt Pro: 3D sketching software for conceptual design

Available only as part of the Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection.

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Start with a sketch. Discover FormIt Pro.

FormIt® Pro is 3D sketching software for capturing your best ideas.

  • Create design ideas anywhere—on desktop or tablet, with mouse or stylus.

  • Go from concept to execution with sketch-to-BIM workflows and native Revit integration.

  • Sketch in material context and draw insights with site and analysis workflows in InfraWorks and Insight Energy Analysis in the AEC Collection.

FormIt Pro overview (video: 2:17 min.)

Why use FormIt Pro?

Capture design ideas quickly

Sketch freely and comfortably in 3D with FormIt.

Generate rich design data in conceptual design

Analyze design directions directly within FormIt Pro.

Reduce rework moving into design development

Use FormIt models as the basis for design development in Revit.

What you can do with FormIt Pro

Connect FormIt 3D sketches directly into Revit

Experience intuitive 3D modeling and seamless interoperability with Revit. Architectural design teams choose FormIt Pro in the AEC Collection to support seamless design, collaboration, and production workflows for teams working at any scale. (video: 2:04 min.)

Which FormIt is right for you?


Get intuitive architectural modeling software in a free 3D sketching app with native Revit interoperability.


FormIt Pro

Access all FormIt capabilities in the free app, plus Dynamo computation, collaboration, and analysis features.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is FormIt Pro used for?

FormIt Pro is an intuitive sketching tool for the conceptual design phase. With site context, solar impact, and whole building energy analysis, you can make informed design decisions anywhere, anytime, and early in your design process.

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