HSMWorks: Embedded CAM software for SOLIDWORKS

Available only with an Autodesk Fusion subscription.

What is HSMWorks?

Design and generate CAM toolpaths without the hassle of changing software. Reduce cycle time and rework with CAD-embedded 2.5- to 5-axis milling, turning, and mill-turn capabilities. HSMWorks is included with your Autodesk Fusion subscription.

HSMWorks overview video (1:50 min.)

What you can do with HSMWorks

Integrate CAD and CAM

Work in a familiar interface connected to powerful design tools, thanks to full integration with SOLIDWORKS. (video: 55 sec.)

2.5- and 3-axis milling

Maximize productivity with a full suite of 2.5- and 3-axis milling strategies. (video: 1:25 min.)

3+2 and simultaneous 5-axis

Shorten the time it takes to set up machines and tighten feature tolerances with simple-to-use multi-axis programming. (video: 1:59 min.)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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