Autodesk Inventor CAM: Accelerate your toolpath strategy

Available only as part of the Product Design & Manufacturing Collection.

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Why use Inventor CAM?

Reduce mill time

Include Adaptive Clearing as a roughing strategy for efficiently clearing large quantities of material.

Increase tool life

Maintain maximum load throughout the machining cycle, so you can cut deep without risk of breakage.

Maintain associativity

Toolpaths update automatically as changes are made to the 3D model in Inventor.

What you can do with Autodesk Inventor CAM

4- and 5-axis milling

Simultaneous 4- and 5-axis features for machining complex models include tilt, multi-axis contour, and swarf. (video: 1:56 min.)

Turning and mill-turn

Improve productivity with traditional turning, facing, grooving, and boring functions. Includes support for live tooling mill-turning. (video: 2:15 min.)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Autodesk Inventor CAM used for?

Autodesk Inventor CAM is an integrated tool for creating 2.5- to 5-axis mill and mill-turn toolpath strategies.

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