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    A Autodesk oferece software para estudantes e educadores em todo o mundo. O acesso educacional gratuito está disponível apenas para fins educacionais. A utilização para fins lucrativos exige um plano de subscrição pago.

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    Transferir o Fusion 360 para utilização pessoal e ocasional

    Versão limitada gratuita do Fusion 360 para utilizadores não comerciais qualificados para uso recreativo. As funcionalidades básicas incluem:

    • Ferramentas 2D/3D de CAD padrão
    • Componentes eletrónicos limitados – 2 esquemas, 2 camadas, área de placa com 80 cm2
    • Fabrico básico – fresagem de 2,5 e 3 eixos, torneamento, FFF aditiva, produção
    • Apenas renderização local
    • Limite de 10 documentos ativos e editáveis do Fusion 360, sem limite para documentos inativos
    • Apenas gestão de dados de utilizador único
    • Apenas suporte de fóruns
    • Importação e exportação de tipos de ficheiros limitados

    Precisa de funcionalidade integral? Comece com uma versão experimental por 30 dias gratuita do Fusion 360.

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      3D animation, motion graphics, and VFX software

      From dragons to sweeping landscapes and explosive battle sequences, Maya is a top choice for creating believable characters and the worlds around them.

      Dynamics and effects

      • Video: Learn how to create visually complex and natural-looking effects with Bifrost for Maya

        Bifrost for procedural effects

        A new visual programming environment using dynamic solvers makes it quick and easy to create blockbuster-worthy effects procedurally. (video: 1:57 min.)

      • 2 images side by side with an explosion effect on the left and the same explosion but with a different, pink liquid effect on the right

        Ready-to-use graphs

        From snow to dust storms, create great-looking effects right out of the box with prebuilt graphs.

      • Rendering of an animated cartoon African American girl with 2 puffy pigtails and a blue-and-white striped T-shirt

        Interactive hair grooming

        Generate realistic clumping effects in hair and fur for more natural-looking hair.

      • Deep adaptive liquid simulation

        Simulate high-level details just where you need them with the new adaptive solver for Bifrost liquids.

      • Bifrost Ocean Simulation System

        Create realistic ocean surfaces with waves, ripples, and wakes.

      • Bifrost Fluids

        Simulate and render photorealistic liquids.

      • Bullet Physics

        Create realistic rigid and soft-body simulations.

      • Maya nCloth

        Create realistic deformable materials.

      3D animation

      • Video: Spend more time animating and less time waiting by using Cached Playback in Maya

        Cached Playback

        Faster animation playback in Viewport 2.0 lets you review animations and produce fewer Playblasts. (video: 2:29 min.)

      • New
        Video: Spend more time animating and less time waiting by using Cached Playback in Maya

        Animation Bookmarks

        Mark, navigate, and organize specific events in time and easily zoom into playback ranges in the Time Slider.

      • New
        Maya user interface showing the Rokoko Motion Library open to the first screen of assets

        Native motion library plugin

        Plugin for Rokoko’s Motion Library makes it easier to access high-quality motion capture data right in software.  

      • User interface of Time Editor in Maya featuring 3D animation of a guy making the sign of the horns, standing next to a motorcycle

        Time Editor

        Make high-level animation edits with a nondestructive, clip-based, nonlinear editor.

      • 3D rendering of a bulldog running towards the camera with mouth open, tongue hanging out, and drool flying in the air

        Geodesic voxel binding

        Produce high-quality, production-ready-bound characters in less time.

      • User interface in Maya featuring an animated rendering of 2 men in body suits, with arms stretched out and one leg kicked out

        General animation tools

        Toolset for keyframe, procedural, and scripted animation.

      • Shape authoring workflow

        Fine-tune your characters and animation more quickly and easily.

      • Parallel rig evaluation

        Get quicker playback and manipulate faster with the integrated performance profiler.

      • Performance capture

        The Butterworth and Key Reducer filters help you refine animation curves, particularly when using motion capture data.


      • New | Matrix drive workflows

        New matrix-driven transform and operation nodes help reduce node and connection clutter in your scenes.

      • New | Pin to geometry

        Use new Proximity and UV Pin nodes to precisely track positions on deforming geometry.

      • New | Proximity Wrap deformer

        The new GPU-accelerated Proximity Wrap deformer brings better memory use and a performance boost to artist workflows.

      3D rendering and shading

      • Photo of the face of a young woman who’s half-smiling, with brown eyes and brown hair with bangs

        Arnold integrated with Maya

        Use Arnold RenderView to view scene changes in real time, including lighting, materials, and camera.

      • Video: Preview work in higher quality and save time by producing fewer preview renders to get the final result

        Beautiful working environment

        Viewport 2.0 preview is now closer to the final Arnold render, spurring creativity and saving time. (video: 59 sec.)

      • Video: Get an introduction to using Arnold in Maya

        Arnold GPU/ CPU

        Use Arnold integrated in Maya for production rendering on both CPU and GPU. (video: 1:55 min.)

      • Look development with Hypershade

        Shade complex scenes more easily.

      • Color management

        Efficient library enables faster, more consistent Boolean operations on polygon geometry.

      3D modeling

      • NEW | Remesh

        Specify exactly where you need extra detail on a model by redefining the topology of any area on the mesh. 

      • NEW | Repotologize features

        Generate clean topology preserving the original mesh shape while reconstructing surface topology into evenly distributed quads. 

      • UV editor workflow, look, and feel

        The enhanced UV Editor interface includes a new UV Toolkit with better tools and functionality.

      • Revamped sculpting toolset

        Sculpt and shape models more artistically and intuitively.

      • Polygon modeling

        Efficient library enables faster, more consistent Boolean operations on polygon geometry.

      • OpenSubdiv support

        Accelerate performance with interactive workflows.

      Motion graphics

      • MASH nodes

        The MASH toolset gives you new nodes (curve, signal, world, placer, and more), as well as updates to existing nodes.

      • 3D Type

        Create branding, flying logos, title sequences, and other projects that require text.

      • Motion Graphics toolset

        Quickly create complex procedural effects and animations with instanced objects.

      Pipeline integration

      • Pipeline flexibility

        Create, customize, and integrate Maya into complex production pipelines more easily.

      • Scripting and API

        Create Maya scripts and write plug-ins in Maya Embedded Language (MEL) or Python scripting language.

      • Scene Assembly tools for smarter data

        Create large, complex worlds more easily, and manage production assets as discrete elements.