Instead of assigning your users to products one-by-one, Autodesk Account allows you to organize users into groups and assign everyone in the group access to the same products. Furthermore, you can create groups that correspond to specialized roles. For example, you could assign AutoCAD and Revit to a group named Architects. Or you could assign Civil 3D and Navisworks Manage to a group for civil engineers.
It’s important to understand that, in Autodesk Account, groups are different than teams. By default, you automatically have one team in your account under which all your users and Autodesk subscriptions fall. You create groups within a team. If you have additional teams, those groups aren’t shared by the other teams, even if the groups have the same users in different teams. To learn more about teams, see Manage teams.
Note: Groups are not supported in Classic user management. Also, you can't add Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) or ShotGrid offerings to groups.
For each of the following procedures, first sign into Autodesk Account at