AU Class
AU Class
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Goal-Driven Design—Using Simulation and Optimization in the Design Process

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    Traditionally CAD and CAE have mostly been used for documenting designs and providing feedback on how they perform in operation. Improved tools, expanded computing power, and new manufacturing technology are now opening up new possibilities for computational design and engineering, where CAD and CAE are used to actually generate part geometry directly. These tools help engineers explore an array of design strategies and create lighter, stronger, or more-efficient parts by driving the design with functional goals, not just a handful of dimensions on a sketch. This course will provide some context for optimization tools as they exist today and introduce several new tools aimed at this goal-driven design concept.

    Key Learnings

    • Discover where optimization can fit into the design process
    • Discover various types of optimization, including parametric, topological, and lattice techniques
    • Discover the tradeoffs between various optimization approaches
    • Discover the basic approach for completing a topological optimization on a structural part