Account management for admins

Add and remove users

Admins add and remove users in Autodesk Account. To give users access to Autodesk products and services, invite them individually or import them in bulk. Invited users receive a confirmation email with a link to create an account with their own email and password. From their account, they can download products and access support, although customers with Premium and Enterprise plans can limit access to admins.


Note: If you have a network (multi-user) license, users will not see the product in Autodesk Account.


If you have a Premium or Enterprise plan with SSO (Single Sign-On), users may be added automatically. Once SSO has been enabled for your domain, any user who is able to authenticate on your domain without an existing Autodesk Account will have an account created and added to the company's Autodesk tenant.


For each of the following procedures, first sign into Autodesk Account at

To add individual users

  1. Select User Management > By User in the navigation menu.
  2. Click Invite Users. If your users are organized by team, select the appropriate team from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter a user's first and last name and email address.
  4. Click Send Invite.
    A user’s account status will be pending until they accept the invitation. They won't have access to products or services until you assign them. If a user doesn't accept within seven days, resend the invitation.

Note: If you have a Premium plan with SSO (Single Sign-On), users may be added automatically.

To import a list of users

  1. Prepare a CSV file containing up to 5,000 users you want to import.
    1. Provide a single row for each user.
    2. Provide three columns: First name, Last name, and Email address.
      Note: Users that already exist in your team are ignored.
  2. Select User Management > By User in the navigation menu.
  3. Click Invite Users. If your users are organized by team, select one from the drop-down list.
    Note: If you use classic user management, see Add users in classic user management.
  4. Select the Import tab and click Upload CSV File. You can continue working while the file is uploading. A notification displays when the import is complete.

Note: Bulk assigned users don’t receive new assignment emails.

To remove users

Primary, secondary, and SSO admins can remove users from Autodesk Account. Deleting a user removes their access to products and services, but it doesn’t delete their personal Autodesk Account.

  1. Select User Management > By User (you will only see User Management if you are an admin).
  2. Select a user.
  3. Click the Remove User icon (by the user's contact information).
  4. In the confirmation window, click Remove User.

Note: Primary admins cannot be removed unless their administrative privileges are removed. All admins can remove other secondary and SSO admins.

To remove users in bulk

Starting in November 2022, you can select more than one user to remove from your team.


You cannot remove primary admins or users added from a directory sync (Premium plan). Removed users will lose access to products assigned by this team.

  1. Sign in to your account at and click User Management > By User.
  2. Click the checkbox to select one or more users. A banner displays to show how many users you have selected.
  3. Click Remove From Team.
  4. In the confirmation window, click Remove.

Note: At this time, the only bulk action available is to remove users.

Removing access to cloud collaboration sites

For collaboration products, you may need to take additional steps to disable access to your collaboration sites and project data.


The following table describes site access after a user is removed.

Product User disabled User access
Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) No Remains active
BIM 360 No Remains active
Fusion Team Yes Inactive. Cannot access site data
Info360 No Remains active
ShotGrid Yes Inactive. Cannot access site data
Forma Yes Inactive. Cannot access site data
Tandem No Remains active
Upchain No Remains active

If a removed user remains active, contact your collaboration site admin to disable or remove the user from your site.


See your collaboration product help for instructions on managing user access. To manage member status in BIM 360 or ACC, see manage account members.

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