Modifying the display settings of Revit links

Modifying the display settings of Revit links - Exercise

  1. Open the practice file 001-Small Medical Center-Display.rvt.
  2. Open the 01 Ground Floor HVAC Plan. The structural link is off in this view.
  3. Hover over one of the small elements outside of the main plan in the architectural linked model and press <Tab> until you can select it. Check the name and category in Properties, as shown below.

  4. Check out a couple of other elements including the park bench and, along the edge of the building, the wrap around roof.
  5. Select one of the bollards again and type VH (for View Hide). The entire Site category, including the park benches, are hidden in this view.
  6. Repeat the process for the roof elements that display outside of the main plan.
  7. Open the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box and verify that the Roofs and Site categories are not visible.
  8. Switch to the Revit Links tab and notice that the Display Settings for the architectural link is set
    to By Host View, as shown below.

  9. Click on By Host View.
  10. In the RVT Link Display Settings dialog box, on the Basics tab, select By linked view. The Linked view is set to Floor Plan: Canopy, as shown below.

  11. Click OK and then Apply.
  12. Move the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box out of the way so you can see what this linked view looks like in the plan. It still isn’t what you want.
  13. In the Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box, click By Linked View and select a different linked view. You can try Floor Plan: GROUND FLOOR, for example. But this one doesn't show what you want either.
  14. Repeat the process and select Floor Plan: MEP – Ground Floor. This time the view looks much better, as shown below.

  15. Open the 02 2nd Floor HVAC Plan.
  16. In Visibility/Graphic Overrides dialog box, turn off the Visibility of the Structural Link and, for the architectural link, apply the Linked View: MEP – Second Floor. This view should clean up as well.
  17. Save the project.
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