Inserting Panel Footprints and Nameplates (12:22 min)

Project: Create a Panel Layout from a Schematic List




Completion Time:  40 Minutes



        Completion Of Creating Panel Layouts Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you insert and edit footprint symbols on an operator station panel layout. You complete the following steps:
■ Extract a schematic component list from the current project.
■ Insert several components from the list in your panel drawing as footprints.
■ Add nameplates.
■ Edit the footprint and automatically update the nameplate and schematic components.
■ Surf to the schematic drawing to review changes.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Panel_Layouts_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 6. If it is open but not active, in the Project Manager, do the following:
■ Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA.
■ Click Activate.
■ Skip to step 6.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files and select Panel_Layouts_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Panel_Layouts_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_08.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to the left side of the operator station front layout.



8:  On the Panel tab, Insert Component Footprints panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Schematic List.



9:  In the Schematic Components List dialog box, do the following:
■ Click Project.
■ Click All.
■ Click OK.



10:  In the Select Drawings to Process dialog box, click Do All. Click OK.


11:  Insert Components from a List:
In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Sort List.


12:  In the Sort Fields dialog box, from the Primary Sort list, select TAGNAME. Click OK.



13:  In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Mark Existing.


14:  Scroll through the list to PB403 and PB403A.



15:  Select PB403 and PB403A. Press and hold Shift to select both entries.


16:  For Rotate, enter "0"


17:  Click Insert.


18:  In the Spacing for Footprint Insertion dialog box, do the following:
■ Select Use Uniform Spacing.
■ For X-Distance, type "0.00"

■ For Y-Distance, type "-2.50"

■ Select the Suppress Edit Dialog and Prompts check box.
■ Change the insert order so that PB403A is first and PB403 is second.
■ Click OK.



19:  Select the insertion point for the first footprint below the Main Power On light and to the left of the Conveyor Enabled light. (Hint: Use Object Snap Tracking to line up exactly on the centers of the components.)

AutoCAD® Electrical inserts both switches, and you return to the Schematic Components dialog box to continue inserting footprints.


20:  In the Schematic Components dialog box, click Close.


21:  In the Update Other Drawings dialog box, click OK.


22:  If prompted, in the Qsave dialog box, click Always Qsave.


23:  Insert Nameplates:
On the Panel tab, Insert Components Footprints panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Icon Menu.



24:  In the Insert Footprint: Panel Layout Symbols dialog box, click Nameplates.



25:  In the Panel: Nameplates dialog box, click Nameplate, Catalog Lookup.



26:  In the Nameplate dialog box, click Catalog Lookup.


27:  In the Catalog Browser dialog box, do the following:

        ■ In the Search field, type 800T*

        ■ In the Catalog column, select 800T-X59E.

        ■ Click OK.


28:  In the Nameplate dialog box, click OK.


29:  Select both switches that you inserted earlier, PB403 and PB403A. Press ENTER.


30:  In the Panel Layout - Nameplate Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK to accept the default information for PB403.


31:  In the Panel Layout - Nameplate Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK to accept the default information for PB403A.


32:  Edit Footprint and Update Links:
Right-click PB403System Reset No.1. Click Edit Footprint.
(Be sure to select the switch footprint, not the nameplate.)



33:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click Catalog Lookup.


34:  In the Catalog  Browser dialog box, do the following:

        ■ In the Search field, type 800T*

        ■ In the Catalog column, select 800T-A2A.

        ■ Click OK.



35:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, in the Location section click Project.


36:  In the All Locations - Project dialog box, select OPSTA3. Click OK.


37:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK.


38:  In the Panel Footprint Update? dialog box, click Yes, Change It.


39:  In the Update Related Components? dialog box, click Yes-Update.


40:  In the Update Other Drawings? dialog box, click OK.


41:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.
The existing footprint is changed to match the new part number. The current drawing is saved and closed. AutoCAD Electrical opens Panel_Layouts_NFPA_04.dwg and updates PB403 with the new information. AutoCAD Electrical saves and closes Panel_Layouts_NFPA_04.dwg, and then reopens Panel_Layouts_NFPA_08.dwg.



42:  On the Quick Access toolbar, click Surfer.


43:  In the drawing, select the PB403 push button footprint.


44:  In the Surf dialog box, select the parent schematic reference for PB403. Click Go To.


45:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.
AutoCAD Electrical saves and closes Panel_Layout_NFPA_08.dwg. AutoCAD Electrical opens Panel_Layout_NFPA_04.dwg and zooms in to PB403.


46:  In the Surf dialog box, click Edit.
Notice how the information on the schematic symbol is updated with the edits from the panel drawing.



47:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.



















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