DIN Rails and Terminal Strip Editor (6:57 min)

Project: Insert a DIN Rail


Completion Time:  15 Minutes



        Completion of Using the DIN Rail Tool Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you insert a DIN rail for some preexisting terminal strips. You use the Draw Order command to hide the DIN rail behind the terminals.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Panel_Layouts_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open but not active, in the Project Manager, do the following:
■ Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA.
■ Click Activate.
■ Skip to step 5.



3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files. Select Panel_Layouts_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Panel_Layouts_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_09.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to the right side of the panel layout drawing to terminal strips TS-ATS-2, and TS-B.



8:  On the Panel tab, Insert Components Footprint panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Icon Menu.



9:  In the Insert Footprint: Panel Layout Symbols dialog box, click DIN Rail.



10:  In the DIN Rail dialog box, do the following:
■ For Rail Type, select AB 199-DR1 from list.
■ Under Origin and Length, for Length, click Pick Rail Information.


11:  If necessary, on the status bar, click DYN to toggle off the dynamic cursor.


12:  In the drawing, do the following:
■ For the insertion point of the rail, type "27.0,19.5"then press ENTER.

■ For the endpoint of the rail, type "27.0,13.5"then press ENTER.


13:  In the DIN Rail dialog box, do the following:
■ Under Orientation, click Vertical.
■ For Scale, type "1.0"

■ Under Panel Mounting, click NC Holes.
■ Click OK.


14:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK.
The DIN rail is inserted.


15:  Change the Draw Order:
On the Home tab, Modify panel, click Move to move TS-B to the DIN rail.



16:  In the drawing, select terminal strip TS-B, the label, and the balloons. Press ENTER.


17:  Select a base point anywhere in the drawing, and then do the following:
■ Move the cursor straight up.
■ Type "1.375"

■ Press ENTER.

Notice how the DIN rail is on top of the terminals.



18:  On the Home tab, Modify panel flyout, Bring to Front flyout, click Send to Back to change the display order and hide the DIN rail behind the terminals.


19:  Select the DIN rail. Press ENTER.


The DIN rail now is hidden behind the terminals.

Project: Edit and Insert a Terminal Strip




Completion Time:  45 Minutes



        Completion of the Using the Terminal Strip Editor Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you extract the terminal information from your project drawings into a panel layout drawing.
You complete the following steps:
■ Insert a DIN rail for mounting the terminal strip.
■ Extract a terminal strip, sorting the terminals and editing the wire destinations.
■ Add spare terminals and accessories including catalog information.
■ Insert the terminal strip in a panel drawing using a graphical representation.
■ Insert the terminal strip in a panel drawing using a tabular representation.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Panel_Layouts_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 6. If it is open but not active in the Project Manager, do the following:
■ Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA.
■ Click Activate.
■ Skip to step 6.



3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files and select Panel_Layouts_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Panel_Layouts_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  Right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_09.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to the right side of the panel layout drawing, just below terminal strip TS-B.



8:  On the Panel tab, Insert Component Footprints panel, Icon Menu flyout, click Icon menu.



9:  In the Insert Footprint dialog box, under the Panel Layout Symbols preview window, click DIN Rail.



10:  In the DIN Rail dialog box, do the following:
■ For Rail Type, select AB 199-DR1 from the list.
■ Under Origin and Length, for Length, click Pick Rail Information.


11:  If necessary, on the status bar, toggle Dynamic Input to Off.



12:  In the drawing, do the following:
■ For the insertion point of rail, type "27.0,11.0"then press ENTER.

■ For the end point of rail, type "27.0,2.0"then press ENTER.



13:  In the DIN Rail dialog box, do the following:
■ Under Orientation, click Vertical.

■ For Scale, type "1.0"

■ Under Panel Mounting, click NC Holes.

■ Click OK.



14:  In the Panel Layout - Component Insert/Edit dialog box, click OK.
The DIN rail is inserted.



15:  Edit the Terminal List:
On the Panel tab, Terminal Footprints panel, click Editor.



16:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.


17:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, select MCAB5 TS-D. Click Edit.




18:  In the Terminal Strip Editor: MCAB5 TS-D dialog box, Terminal Strip tab, click the Number heading. This sorts the list by wire number.


19:  Under Destination, click Toggle Location.


20:  In the Toggle Location Codes dialog box, do the following:
■ From the Internal Destination list, select OPSTA3.
■ Click Toggle Internal to External >.
■ From the External Destination list, select MCAB5.
■ Click < Toggle External to Internal.
■ Click OK.



21:  Add Spares and Accessories:
On the Terminal Strip tab, from the terminal list, select the last row.


22:  Under Spare, click Insert Spare Terminal.


23:  In the Insert Spare Terminal dialog box, do the following:
■ For Quantity, type "2"

■ Click Insert Below.



24:  On the Catalog Code Assignment tab, from the terminal list, select the two spare terminals.


25:  Under Catalog Codes, click Assign Catalog Number.


26:  In the Catalog browser (Table: TRMS) dialog box, do the following:
■ In the Search field, type 0115*
■ Select 0115 126.01 from the Catalog list.
■ Click OK.


27:  Select the top terminal in the grid.


28:  Under Spare, click Insert Accessory.


29:  In the Insert Accessory dialog box, for Number, enter 1


30:  Click Catalog Lookup.


31:  In the Catalog Browser dialog box, do the following:
■ In the Search field, type 0118*
■ Select 0118 499.23.
■ Click OK.


32:  In the Insert Accessory dialog box, click Insert Above.


33:  In the Catalog Code Assignment, select the new top terminal just inserted at the top of the grid.



34:  Under Spare, click Insert Accessory.


35:  In the Insert Accessory dialog box, do the following:
■ For Number, enter "1"

■ Click Catalog Lookup.


36:  In the Catalog Browser dialog box, do the following:
■ In the Search field, type 0103*
■ Select 0103 002.26.
■ Click OK.


37:  In the Insert Accessory dialog box, click Insert Above.



38:  Repeat steps 28 through 37, selecting the bottom (Spare) terminal and inserting accessories below the existing components.



39:  Insert a Graphical Terminal Strip:
In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, on the Layout Preview tab, click Graphical Terminal Strip.


40:  From the Graphical Layout list, select Wire Number Tag: Terminal.



41:  For Scale on Insert, enter "1.0"


42:  Click Update.


43:  Click Insert.


44:  In the drawing, for the insertion point, enter "27.0, 10.5"then press ENTER.


45:  In the Terminal Strip Editor, click OK.


46:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, click Done.


47:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.
The terminals in the schematic are updated with the new catalog information.



48:  Insert a Tabular Terminal Strip (Table Object):
On the Panel tab, Terminal Footprints panel, click Editor.



49:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.


50:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, select MCAB5 TS-D. Click Edit.



51:  In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, on the Layout Preview tab, click Tabular Terminal Strip (Table Object).


52:  Under Table Settings, do the following:
■ Click Layer.
■ In the Select Table Layer dialog box, select Terminal Tables from the list. Click OK.
■ For Table Title, select Terminal Strip ID (%T) from the list.



53:  Click Settings.


54:  In the Terminal Strip Table Settings dialog box, under Section Placement, do the following:
■ Clear the All Rows Same Section check box.
■ For Rows per Section, enter "15"



55:  Click Insert Multiple Sections per Drawing.


56:  For Insert Multiple Sections per Drawing, enter "2"



57:  For Section Placement, do the following:
■ For X, enter "2.00"

■ For Y, enter "21.0"



58:  Under Section Offset, do the following:
■ For Distance, enter "1.0"

■ For Direction, select Down.

■ For Base Point, select Gap Distance.



59:  Under Drawing Information for Table Output:
■ For First Drawing Name, type "Panel_Layouts_NFPA_11"

■ For Template, click Browse and select ACAD_ELECTRICAL.dwt.

■ Click Open.


60:  Click Preview.
Notice that three new drawings will be created using these settings.



61:  In the Preview dialog box, click Done.


62:  In the Terminal Strip Table Settings dialog box, click OK.


63:  In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, click Update.



64:  Drag the Drawing to Preview slider and preview each of the drawings that will be created.


65:  Click Insert.


66:  In the Table(s) Inserted Task dialog box, click OK.


67:  In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, click OK.


68:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, click Done.


69:  In the Project Manager, right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_11.dwg. Click Open.



70:  Insert a Jumper Chart (Table Object):
In the Project Manager, right-click Panel_Layouts_NFPA_09.dwg. Click Open.


71:  Zoom in to the lower-right corner of the drawing, just below the terminal strip you previously inserted.


72:  On the Panel tab, Terminal Footprints panel, click Editor.



73:  If requested, in the Qsave dialog box, click OK.


74:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, select MCAB5 TS-D. Click Edit.



75:  In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, on the Layout Preview tab, click Jumper Chart (Table Object).


76:  Under Table Settings, Table Title, select Terminal Strip ID (%T) from the list.


77:  For Scale on Insert, enter "1.0"


78:  Click Update.


79:  Select Display Only Jumpered Terminals.


80:  Click Update.



81:  Click Insert.


82:  In the drawing, enter an insertion point at approximately "28.0,5.0"


83:  In the Terminal Strip Editor dialog box, click OK.


84:  In the Terminal Strip Selection dialog box, click Done.



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