Create A Three-Phase Circuit (2:52 min)

Project: Create a Three-Phase Circuit


Completion Time:  20 Minutes



        Completion of Multiple Phase Circuits Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you create a complete three-phase circuit. You do the following:

        > Insert a three-phase ladder.

        > Insert three-phase wiring and components.


Process:  Completion of the Multiple Phase Circuits Lesson.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Schematic_Components_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open but not active in the Project Manager, do the following:

        > Right-click Schematic_Components_NFPA.

        > Click Activate.

        > Skip to step 6.



3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the exercise files. Select Schematic_Components_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  In the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Schematic_Components_NFPA to expand the drawing list.


6:  Click New Drawing.


7:  In the Create New Drawing dialog box, do the following:

        > For Name, enter Schematic_Components_NFPA_11

        > For Template, click Browse and select ACAD_ELECTRICAL.dwt. Click Open

        > Click OK.



8:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, Insert Ladder flyout, and click Insert Ladder.



9:  In the Insert Ladder dialog box, under Phase, click 3 Phase. For Spacing, enter "0.50"



10:  Under Spacing, enter "0.50"



11:  Under Length, enter "20"

Note: When you select a different area of the dialog box, the number of rungs is calculated automatically, and the length is adjusted to match.


12:  Under 1st Reference, enter "100"then do the following:

        > For Index, enter "1"

        > Clear the Without Reference Numbers check box.

        > Click OK.


13:  Select an insertion point at approximately 2.00, 21.00.



14:  Insert Three-Phase Wiring and Components:
 in to rungs 101-103.



15:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Multiple Bus.



16:  In the Multiple Wire Bus dialog box, do the following:

        > For Horizontal Spacing, enter "0.50"

        > Click Another Bus (Multiple Wires).

        > For Number of Wires, click 3.

        > Click OK.


17:  Select a start point on the first (left) vertical bus at reference 101. Move to the right and select the endpoint at approximately 7.50, 20.00. Press ENTER to end the Multiple Wire Bus command.



18:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Icon Menu.



19:  In the Insert Component dialog box, click Fuses/Circuit Breakers.



20:  In the Symbol preview window, click 3 Pole Fuse with Tags.



21:  Select an insertion point for the fuse on the upper rung, just to the right of the three-phase bus.


22:  In the Build Up or Down? dialog box, click Down.



23:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.


This completes the insertion of the fuses.



24:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Icon Menu.


25:  In the Insert Component dialog box, click Motor Control.



26:  In the Symbol preview window, click 3 Phase Starter Contacts with Overload.



27:  Select an insertion point on the upper rung, just to the right of the fuses.


28:  In the Build Up or Down? dialog box, click Down.



29:  In the Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box, click OK.


This completes the insertion of the starter contacts.


30:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, click Icon Menu.


31:  In the Insert Component dialog box, click Motor Control.



32:  In the Symbol preview window, select 3 Phase Motor.



33:  Select the insertion point overlapping the end of the middle three-phase wire.



34:  In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.