Add Connectors And Wiring (5:55 min)

Project: Add Connectors and Wiring




Completion Time:  15 Minutes



        Completions of the Connectors Lesson


Objective:  In this exercise, you add and edit connectors, and add wiring. You complete the following steps:

        > Insert a connector using wire crossings for the pin spacing.

        > Insert a second connector, changing the pin orientation during insertion, and add wiring.

        > Split, stretch, and add pins to the connectors, and add wiring.




1:  If the Project Manager is not displayed, on the Project tab, Project Tools panel, click Manager.



2:  If Schematic_Components_NFPA is the active project, skip to step 5. If it is open but not active in the Project Manager, do the following:

        > Right-click Schematic_Components_NFPA.

        > Click Activate.

        > Skip to step 5.


3:  In the Project Manager, click Open Project.


4:  Browse to where you installed the project files. Select Schematic_Components_NFPA.wdp. Click Open.


5:  From the Projects list, click the expansion node next to Schematic_Components_NFPA to expand the drawing list in the manager.


6:  Right-click Schematic_Components_NFPA_07.dwg. Click Open.


7:  Zoom in to rungs 704 - 711 of the first ladder.


8:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, Insert Connector flyout, click Insert Connector.



9:  In the Insert Connector dialog box, do the following:

        > For Pin Spacing, type "0.375"

        > For Pin Count, type "8"

        > Click At Wire Crossing.

        > Click Insert All.

        > Clear the Start Connector as Child check box.

        > Use the Rotate and Flip buttons as necessary to change the orientation to a vertical connector with the plug on the right.

        > Click Insert.


10:  Select the insertion point for the connector on rung 704 just to the right of the TS-C terminal.

Notice how the pin spacing adjusts for the wire crossings and stays at the fixed value for the other pins.


11:  Zoom in to the lower area of the first ladder, rungs 713 - 720.


12:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Components panel, Insert Connector flyout, click Insert Connector.



13:  In the Insert Connector dialog box, do the following:

        > For Pin Spacing, type "0.375"

        > For Pin Count, type "10"

        > Select Fixed Spacing.

        > Select Insert All.

        > Use the Rotate and Flip buttons as necessary to change the orientation to a horizontal connector with the plug on the top.

        > Click Insert.


14:  Before selecting the insertion point, press the TAB key.
This flips the connector insertion.


15:  Press TAB again.
This reverses the pin numbering on the connector.



16:  Select the insertion point for the connector at "10.0, 6.0"



17:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Multiple Bus.



18:  In the Multiple Wire Bus dialog box, click Component (Multiple Wires). Click OK.


19:  In the drawing, select the pin connection points 1-6 on the plug side of connector PJ720.
Press ENTER.



20:  Click the left wire-connection point on input 17 to attach the wires to the PLC. Notice how the spacing of the wires changes to match the component.



21:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, Reverse Connector flyout, and click Split Connector.


22:  Select the connector PJ720.


23:  Click to select the split point between pins 6 and 7.


24:  In the Split Block dialog box, do the following:

        > Click Jagged Lines.

        > Select the Reposition Child Block check box.

        > Click OK.


25:  Select the position for the child connector on rung 712 above the multiple wires you just inserted.



26:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, Reverse Connector flyout, click Stretch Connector.



27:  In the drawing, select the bottom edge of PJ704.


28:  Select the new location point, stretching the connector far enough to add two more pins.



29:  On the Schematic tab, Edit Components panel, Reverse Connector flyout, click Add Connector Pins.



30:  In the drawing, select connector PJ704.


31:  On PJ704, select locations for pins 9 and 10. Press ENTER.



32:  On the Schematic tab, Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panel, click Multiple Bus.



33:  In the Multiple Wire Bus dialog box, do the following:

        > For Horizontal Spacing, type "0.25"

        > Click Component (Multiple Wires).

        > Click OK.



34:  In the drawing, select the pin connection points 7 - 10 on the plug side of the child connector PJ720. Press ENTER.



35:  Before selecting the insertion point, move the cursor up and slightly to the left. Type F then press ENTER.
This flips the wiring order between the connectors.


36: Click the wire connection point of pin 7 on connector PJ704 to attach the wires.