Introducing pumping stations

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Which of the following is NOT one of the three values you will need to know to model a pump?

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Step-by-step Guide

InfoWorks WS Pro allows you to model pumping stations and pumps. Pumps are widely used in water supply systems and mostly fall into three groups:

A presentation slide displaying information and a graph on the duties of pumps.

Pumping stations are often complex, with a lot of information required for them to perform successfully in a model.

In InfoWorks WS Pro, a generalized model of pumping stations is introduced.

A presentation slide displaying information on pump stations.

InfoWorks WS Pro assumes a check valve (a non-return valve) on the pressure side of each pump. There is also an option to include a bypass pipe that allows flow around the station in the same direction when all pumps are stopped.

To model an existing pump, you will need to know at least three values:

A presentation slide displaying values required to model a pump.

These values allow you to use a synthetic, or estimated, pump curve. Ideally, you would be provided a full manufacturer’s pump curve.