• Revit

Create straight-run staircases

Create a staircase component with a straight run.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Step-by-step guide

  1. In Revit, open the file Straight Run Stairs.rvt. It opens in the Entrance Lobby 3D view.
  2. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click Level 1.

In the Revit interface, the project for this example open to the Entrance Lobby 3D view, and in the Project Browser, double-clicking the Level 1 floor plan.

  1. In the View tab > Windows panel, click Tile Views.
  2. In the Navigation Bar, click Zoom All to Fit.
  3. Verify that you are working in the plan view, and in the Architecture tab > Circulation panel, click Stair.

The Level 1 and Entrance Lobby views tiled and zoomed to fit, and in the Architecture tab, Circulation panel, Stair selected and highlighted in red.

  1. In Properties, verify that Assembled Stair: 7ʺ max riser 11ʺ tread is selected and review the other properties.
  2. In the Modify | Create Stair tab > Components panel, ensure that Run and Straight are selected.
  3. In the Options Bar, set the Actual Run Width to 4'-0".

In Properties, the stair type selected; in the Modify | Create Stair tab, Components panel, Run and Straight selected; and in the Options Bar, the Actual Run Width set, with all options for this example highlighted in red.

  1. Zoom in and pick two points to place the stair.

In the zoomed-in Level 1 view, selecting the second point to place the stair.

  1. Review the stairs in 3D.
  2. In Properties, click Edit Type.

In the Level 1 and 3D views, the placed staircase in the center of the lobby area, and in Properties, selecting Edit Type.

  1. Review the Type Properties, and click OK.

In the Type Properties dialog box, a table of parameters and values for the staircase, with OK selected.

  1. In the Modify panel, click Align.
  2. Select the edge of the floor and then the top of the stair.

In the Modify panel, Align selected and highlighted in red; and in the Level 1 view, with the edge of the floor selected, the cursor selecting the top of the stair.

  1. Click the lock icon to create the constraint.

With the stair run aligned, clicking the lock icon to create the constraint.

  1. Click Modify.
  2. Select the stair run.
  3. In the Modify panel, click Move.
  4. Select the endpoint of the stair and then the midpoint of the floor edge.

With the staircase aligned but not centered between the railings, in the Modify panel, Move selected; and in the Level 1 view, the midpoint of the floor edge being selected.

  1. In the Modify | Create Stair tab > Mode panel, click Finish Edit Mode.

The stair displays properly placed in both the plan view and the Entrance Lobby 3D view.

In the Modify | Create Stair tab, Mode panel, Finish Edit Mode selected; and in the Level 1 and 3D views, the staircase properly placed.