• Revit

Creating and revising walls

Draw straight walls. Use the direct distance entry technique. Draw walls with chain enabled. Apply flip controls for wall orientation.

Step-by-step guide

Draw walls with and without chain enabled, use the direct distance entry technique, and apply flip controls for wall reorientation.

  1. In the Options Bar, deselect Chain.
  2. In the Modify | Place Wall tab, Draw panel, select Line.
  3. Pick a point, pull it to the left, and press ENTER to place a wall.
  4. Pick a point above the wall to create another wall.

With chain disabled, each wall is created separately.

In the Revit interface, in the Options Bar, the disabled Chain option highlighted in red, and in the view, 2 separate walls created.

    1. In the Options Bar, select Chain.
    2. Draw two or more walls to see that they are now continuous.

In the Options Bar, the selected Chain option is highlighted in red, and in the view, the walls being created are connected.

  1. On the Ribbon, click Modify.
  2. In the View Control Bar, expand Detail Level and select Medium.

In the View Control Bar, Detail Level expanded with Medium selected.

You can now see the layers of the wall.

  1. Select one of the existing walls and use the temporary dimensions to change the distance between the walls.

With layers now displayed on the walls, one wall selected, and a new temporary dimension entered.

  1. Press ESC.
  2. Select one wall and click the Flip control to flip the external face.

One wall selected, with the Flip control selected.

  1. Hold down CTRL and select more than one wall.

Now, there are no flip controls.

In the view, multiple walls selected to show that no flip controls appear.

  1. Press SPACEBAR to flip the direction of multiple selected walls.
  2. Zoom out and select all the walls.

In a zoomed-out view, all created walls selected for deletion.

  1. Right-click the selection and select Delete.
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