• Forma

Invite members from within a specific Forma project

Invite people to collaborate on your projects in Forma, and assign permissions based on available roles. 

Step-by-step guide

With Forma, projects in the cloud can easily be shared with team members. By inviting them from within a project, access is granted to that project, but they cannot view other projects in your Hub.

  1. With a project already open, in the left panel, click the Project members tab.
    In the Forma interface, a project open on the canvas, and in the left panel, the Project members tab is selected.

Project members who have already been invited are listed.

To add additional project members:

  1. Click Invite.
    In the left panel, a list of Project members already invited, with the Invite button highlighted in red.
  1. In the Invite to project dialog box, enter or paste up to 50 email addresses.
  2. To assign the members a role, make a selection in the role drop-down.
    The Invite to project dialog box, with the role drop-down expanded and Collaborator selected.

Members assigned the Viewers role (which does not require a subscription) can open and view a project, but cannot make changes to a project.

Collaborators can edit existing projects, create new ones, and invite members to projects.

Admins can do everything a Collaborator can, plus they can invite new members to the project.

  1. With a role selected, click Copy invite link to provide a link to external people.
  2. Alternatively, enter an email address and then click Send Invite.

When Copy invite link is selected, a link to the project is generated, and those using the link are given the assigned role.

The Invite to project dialog box, with the generated link highlighted in red.

Inviting members from within a project is a good solution for collaborating with external teammates and stakeholders who are outside of your organization.

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